Ok, ,here it goes.. Not sure if I will come back to this site ... I have been on here for a while now and I have posted some.. I dont feel comfortable on this site. I post my comments and I even answered people on the clothing exchange and NO one answers me back.. I mainly came on here for support and to get some dieting tips.. BUT this site isnt working for me.. IF no one answers me .. then why bother? I do have alot of comments about WLS>> and i have read most of everyone posts about it.. and I will NOT comment about anything anymore.. I am sorry if this offends anyone. I came here to get support but no one will be friendly to me.. So, congrats to all the had WLS.. and to all that have dieted and got to their goal.. KEEP up the good work . I will continue to just be me and if that means to be fat.. then so be it.. rhonda
Hi Rhonda,
I just joined OH last week so I'm very new here. I noticed right away that this forum is rather slow but that's because this site is geared towards people who have had WLS, want to have WLS or are trying to make a decision on whether or not they want to have it. So, it didn't strike me as strange that the Non-Surgical Weight Loss forum would be a bit slow. With the exception of the heated debate that went on yesterday, of course. From what I've just read in your posts, it seems that this is the forum you should be in since you make no bones about being anti-WLS. I agree with the poster who said that it might be a good idea to put a little background information in your profile. I think people feel a little more comfortable when they know a little something about you. I posted an introductory post that I feel was well received. And, even if I post something and get no responses I know that people are reading it by the number of "views" it gets. I'm sure that the longer I'm on this forum and interact with people by responding to posts, that I will start to forge some friendships. It just takes a little time I think. At this point no one has requested to be one of "my friends" but I'm certainly not offended by it, I'm sure I'll make friends as time passes. I hope you decide to stick around, but if not, I wish you well. And, good luck in your weigh tloss journey.