One Day Til Blast Off
I've started setting things into place for my blast off tomorrow. I contacted Seattle Sutton and they will make my first meal delivery Monday morning, so I can start with their food for dinner on Monday evening. I went grocery shopping yesterday and purchased enough food to get me from tomorrow through lunch on Monday. My calorie range is going to be 1600-1800 (sticking closer to th 1600 side). The food from Seattle Sutton will consist of 1200 calories, and I'll probably have a fruit smoothie during the evenings to give me the additional calories (will also be able to get my milk (soy) in by way of the smoothie).
I have an appointment with my PCP on Thursday for a complete physical. I need to know exactly where I stand health-wise. I sent her (my PCP) a letter yesterday to let her know that during my appointment I want to discuss my desire to lose weight and talk with her about what she can do to assist me in that endeavor. If nothing else I can certainly go to her office once a month for an official weigh-in and to have her document my progress and discuss any concerns I may have. I'm thinking about asking her for a prescription for an appetite suppressant of some sort. She'll probably refer me to the Bariatric Department for that though. I did tell her in the letter that I had seriously considered WLS. Can't wait to hear what she has to say about that. I also have to set-up appointments for other exams I've been putting off. I've scheduled my annual mammogram for later this month, I usually have it in May. I've been putting off a colonoscopy and a bone density test (once past 50 these tests should be done). I'm 53 so I'm running a little bit behind. I'm going to stop dragging my feet and make appointments for these tests next week. I need to know exactly what's going on with my body so I can know what I'm dealing with.
Hopefully sometime next week I'll be assigned a lifestyle coach at the Duke University Diet and Weight Loss Center on-line program that I signed up for this week. Hopefully this coach can be a part of the TEAM OF SUPPORT that I envision which will consist of my PCP doctor, the lifestyle coach, and this group. At least that's my plan.
Decided that Saturday is going to be my weigh-in day so I hopped on the scale this morning -- 256.8 was the verdict
. I have my work cut out for me. I plan on getting some exercise in today -- gotta start somewhere.
"Oh sweet and sour Jesus, that is GOOD!" - Stephen Colbert Lap RNY 7/07-- Lap Gallbladder 5/08--
Emergency Bowel Repair 6/08 -Dr. Meilahn, Temple U. Upper and Lower Bleph/Lower Face Lift 12/08
Fraxel Repair 2/09-- Lower Bleph Re-Do 5/09 -Dr. Pontell, Media PA Mastopexy/Massive
Brachioplasty/ Extended Abdominoplasty (plus Mons Lift and Upper Leg lift) / Hernia Repair
6/24/09 ---Butt Lift and Lateral Thighplasty Scheduled 7/6/10 - Dr. Ivor Kaplan VA Beach
Total Cost: $33,500 Start wt: 368 RNY wt: 300 Goal wt: 150 Current wt: 148.2 BMI: 24.7
Yes, it was neat for me to have that wls conversation with my pcp, too, last March. He had supported two of my office mates to get it, so i know he is open to the notion (rumor has it his own sister had it with great outcomes). Still, the reasonable person inside me knows that wls or not, complete lifestyle changes, or in my case, more consistent and fine tuned lifestyle changes, are needed. I've thought some about what Andy said recently about "keeping wls in the back of my mind" as kind of an "out", and it makes sense. I have not completely ruled wls out for myself, so I do need to work on releasing the fear (or izzit permission?) of gaining again.
I am outwardly a major believer in as ye think, so shall ye be", but i guess I allow historical realities, the regaining, the return of sloppiness in habits, to remain in my mind. I had re-read some literature my bariatric doc gave me recently, and the words "Obesity is a chronic disease." jumped out at me. That means it never goes away, it can only be controlled. I need to remember that obesity is indeed chronic and that it only follows that it will be aggravated when allowed to run rampant!