Intentionally Broke the Rules

"Oh sweet and sour Jesus, that is GOOD!" - Stephen Colbert Lap RNY 7/07-- Lap Gallbladder 5/08--
Emergency Bowel Repair 6/08 -Dr. Meilahn, Temple U. Upper and Lower Bleph/Lower Face Lift 12/08
Fraxel Repair 2/09-- Lower Bleph Re-Do 5/09 -Dr. Pontell, Media PA Mastopexy/Massive
Brachioplasty/ Extended Abdominoplasty (plus Mons Lift and Upper Leg lift) / Hernia Repair
6/24/09 ---Butt Lift and Lateral Thighplasty Scheduled 7/6/10 - Dr. Ivor Kaplan VA Beach
Total Cost: $33,500 Start wt: 368 RNY wt: 300 Goal wt: 150 Current wt: 148.2 BMI: 24.7
"Oh sweet and sour Jesus, that is GOOD!" - Stephen Colbert Lap RNY 7/07-- Lap Gallbladder 5/08--
Emergency Bowel Repair 6/08 -Dr. Meilahn, Temple U. Upper and Lower Bleph/Lower Face Lift 12/08
Fraxel Repair 2/09-- Lower Bleph Re-Do 5/09 -Dr. Pontell, Media PA Mastopexy/Massive
Brachioplasty/ Extended Abdominoplasty (plus Mons Lift and Upper Leg lift) / Hernia Repair
6/24/09 ---Butt Lift and Lateral Thighplasty Scheduled 7/6/10 - Dr. Ivor Kaplan VA Beach
Total Cost: $33,500 Start wt: 368 RNY wt: 300 Goal wt: 150 Current wt: 148.2 BMI: 24.7

"Oh sweet and sour Jesus, that is GOOD!" - Stephen Colbert Lap RNY 7/07-- Lap Gallbladder 5/08--
Emergency Bowel Repair 6/08 -Dr. Meilahn, Temple U. Upper and Lower Bleph/Lower Face Lift 12/08
Fraxel Repair 2/09-- Lower Bleph Re-Do 5/09 -Dr. Pontell, Media PA Mastopexy/Massive
Brachioplasty/ Extended Abdominoplasty (plus Mons Lift and Upper Leg lift) / Hernia Repair
6/24/09 ---Butt Lift and Lateral Thighplasty Scheduled 7/6/10 - Dr. Ivor Kaplan VA Beach
Total Cost: $33,500 Start wt: 368 RNY wt: 300 Goal wt: 150 Current wt: 148.2 BMI: 24.7
For me, it's the damn high-glycemic carbs. Ice cream and mashed taters = death. The steak was no problem-- me love'm protein! I get this feeling that sorta washed over me-- I get extremely sleepy-- feel really full---kinda that post-Thanksgiving feeling, but on less food. I really just don't like the feeling-- and I associate it with the illness and crappy health I had in January besides.
So-- I tried it, and didn't like it, and am back to my wrap-pizzas, salads, and yogurt--- happily!
"Oh sweet and sour Jesus, that is GOOD!" - Stephen Colbert Lap RNY 7/07-- Lap Gallbladder 5/08--
Emergency Bowel Repair 6/08 -Dr. Meilahn, Temple U. Upper and Lower Bleph/Lower Face Lift 12/08
Fraxel Repair 2/09-- Lower Bleph Re-Do 5/09 -Dr. Pontell, Media PA Mastopexy/Massive
Brachioplasty/ Extended Abdominoplasty (plus Mons Lift and Upper Leg lift) / Hernia Repair
6/24/09 ---Butt Lift and Lateral Thighplasty Scheduled 7/6/10 - Dr. Ivor Kaplan VA Beach
Total Cost: $33,500 Start wt: 368 RNY wt: 300 Goal wt: 150 Current wt: 148.2 BMI: 24.7
Your meal seems like it was a little light for an overage. Heck, I eat meals like that almost everyday. Normally I'd consume about 1800 cals a day and still eat meals like you described. Breakfast and lunch were usually a lot lighter though. Normally I have about 800-1000 calories left over for dinner. Sometimes I switch it up and eat a big breakfast and a really light dinner....... Or at least I used to. Now I'm eating a bit more than that and I'm paying for it. I'm just still having a hard time getting back down to bidness. I'm maintaining at least. Fluctuating between 295 and 297. I have increased my walking quite a bit. I'm walk 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes around 6pm plus whatever walking I do at lunch time. Since I'm working in "uptown" Charlotte now I have no use for a car. Everything is within 6 blocks so I make use of my feet much more often than before. Perhaps this is what is helping me to maintain. Hmm.. perhaps it's time to FORCE my gluttonous self to stop eating so damned much and get back down to 1800. I'm guestimating I'm at about 2500 a day now. Each day I'm getting at least 5,000 or more steps in with more than 1/2 of those being aerobic steps. I'm sure it won't be long before the pounds start coming back on. Better get my ass in gear before that happens. Congrats on all your success and your upcoming surgery!