What Neecee said....and more
no seriously - i think just my bones are bigger than a size 6!!!!!!!!!! i really have fat bones.
but yes, i know what you mean. it comes down to sustainability. could i eat 1000 calories a day and weight 15 pounds less? probably. but i just don't want to cut back that much because i don't feel like its realistic for me in the long term. i recognize that that is a choice i am making. i like food too much. *sigh*
yes, it is not to drop anyone in his/her tracks. I guess actually it is to lend more reality to this equation. For the 100th time at least, we have no choice but to try as hard as we can and forgive ourselves along the way. It may be out of our hands.
We are so quick to take on the blame of even getting MO, when time will tell why Person A puts it on looking at it and Person B can eat til the cows come home. I'm not so sure anyone knows the real asnwer to this. For now, it would seem that it's easier tl allow fatties to take on some baggage.