Whaaa??? I thought I did good???
Sounds like a fair amount of sodium in that food plan yesterday! (added salt to your food, subway, ramen, especially) AND trying to lose weight SUCKS - if it were as easy as we want it to be, there would be no such thing as a fat person.
I bet you drop that excess water weight by the next time you weigh in. Hang in there, my friend!!!!! PS: i better freakin have lost today is my weigh in, too. Knockin my brains out this week.
Gawd why does the good stuff have to hurt you so bad?????????????????????? ****** ME OFF! ARGH! @(*@$*(#$*)@#)(RU @ )U@$)*@$ )*@$ _)&*@$_ *&@$ *()$@&*(@ $_*@$*()R%)(&@#!*()$Y (*)#$()*& )R(* $ *(#$(#R% ()Y(DF HLSDJH(*D FY@&*()$YYYGVF( E$*(YP* Y()@$#*()YSDUIOH@*(#$P)@# $*P#($*Y#RG%*) $Y*)@ SALT! That's what my wife said too about the salt. She said I probalby went overboard with the ramen's. :) I love salt. It's just not fair! Salt makes everything better. Perhaps I should try a substitute. It probably makes you retain water too. Still pissed...