one more comment on the bmr charts
Wow!! Andrea you did a Chris post!!! nice!!
Thank you for the info. I'm sorry I'm so stereotypical. I suppose it's hard not to be, having never been to a professional and only hearing horrible things. I wish you already finished with school and had your license. I would love to have you as my therapist. While our lives are totally different I feel that you understand me. It means a lot that you don't get angry with my stubborness and unique personality! :) Perhaps you've experienced some similarities in your own life or maybe it's all the schooling. I think you will have a wonderful and rewarding career if you seek to specialize in helping people who are suffering or have suffered from obesity. You definitely have a knack for it.
I really do think there is "something" going on with me and I am pretty sure I won't be able to pinpoint it myself. If you can be so kind as to ask your friends about anyone in the Charlotte area I would be grateful. I agree, it's not something you should randomly select from the yellow pages. I've done that a few times with PCP's and had some BAD experiences. I think the psychodynamic/freudian approach, as you call it, holds water with some patients. For example a child who was physically and sexually abused would definitely fit into this category. Someone like myself who had a great childhood with parents who loved him probably wouldn't benefit from this. Despite popular belief I don't feel a civil divorce or separation in a family is detrimental to the children involved. I'm sure it does cause some issues if it was a violent separation and the two parents view the child as a piece of property. It wasn't that way for me. I digress! lol Thanks for your help Andrea, I really appreciate it.