Wednesday Weigh In
I weigh in on Wednesdays (self imposed). I'm at 478 this morning, so I've lost another 9.5 pounds since 4/11. That makes 36 pounds total since 3/21. I'm beginning to kick myself a little for not finding a scale earlier so I could know how much I've lost this year, but oh well. My BMI has come down from 69,7 to 64.8.
It's an incredible feeling! I feel good, I have energy, and I'm getting around so much better. It's a feeling I wish I could pass around to anyone that is having a little trouble with motivation. I can't even imagine what it will be like when I am closer to goal. Unstoppable ;)
VSG on 03/13/12
I love it! You are doing great. You are unstoppable tiger. My highest weight was 320 and since October of last year I have managed to lose 105 pounds. I now weigh 215. It feels so good. WIth the rapid weight loss and a family history of gallstones I do have surgery on Friday. I have to have my gallbladder removed. You give a little you take a little. I had gallbladder problems at 320 but the stones got worse with the weight loss. I saw a bunch of people I hadn't seen in a while last night at my kids open house and they didn't recognize me. It is so fun. What else is funny is that the majority of the people ask me if I had gastric bypass. Nope on my own. There are several other moms that have lost a lot of weight with surgery at my kids school. I am actually keeping pace or losing more quickly than some that had surgery. I would like to weigh 150 but realistically as heavy as I was 170 would be a great weight for me. We'll see. By the way did you say you were from Knoxville, TN? My grandparents, aunts uncles and cousins live in Knoxville. Are we related?
Wow, you are gonna be an inspiration for a lot of people here. I was 301.5 lbs the last time I weighed which was before my vacation. (Not weighing again till next tuesday cuz I'm skeered of what vacation did to me!) I was 330lbs when I started back in early March. I cannot imagine what it feels like to be 478 lbs much less 500lbs. You're making wonderful progress. We're here for you! Ohh, by the way, you can't leave either cuz I'm sure I'm gonna need to call on you for some motivation soon!