Tuesday Think Tank
1. Yes, I'm a country girl. 2. Eating 3. No stitches, broken arm.
4. 10:30, 4:30 5. Yes and no. I think the same things were happening when we were kids, we just didn't have access to the media like we do now, people tended to cover up incest in a family, and the exploding population means that pedifles (sp?) have greater access to children. AND parents are home less, so I guess I should say yes, huh?
1) No, never. I'm not violent and I always got along with people.
2) I think he's indulging himself like a little piggy and loving it
3) None and none. I've been lucky.
4) I go to bed at midnight and wake up around 9. I work from 10-7, so I get to sleep in a bit.
5) No, I don't. Based on the amount of crime that occurs to adults versus children, children endure much less. I think that the crimes committed to children are often seen as more hellish, but that doesn't mean they're less safe. It just means we nurture children and feel for them more than we do each other. I think that's sad.