Calling all cars! Be on the lookout for white female suspect...
VSG on 03/13/12
I'm here I'm here! I had a melt down at work. And just overall. At work my computer crashed along with my printer...then the computer I was using for the time being that printer ate all the paper....and I just couldn't catch up with myself for nothing at work so I didn't have time to get on here. And I've just been feeling really blah lately until I took a couple of new pics for my myspace and realized my face looks a little thinner that brightened me up a bit. I was going through ALL of my photos on the computer and I compared my face and I was like oh hmm isnt that something. Anyways I am rambling. I'm still here, just REALLY busy thats why I am going in tomorrow ALL day on a Saturday to catch up on my stuff because I am drowning and about to die at work lol. Nice to see you all care though. I love you ALL!!!!!!!
VSG on 03/13/12