Do you fear drinking too much water? Educate yourself on the subject.
Alot of us fear drinking too much water so I thought it would be helpful to post a few links about the subject so that everyone can read up on it. I learned that drinking as little as 2 gallons of water in one sitting could possibly cause this intoxication. In fact if your electrolyte/sodium level is already low because of your diet and you drink even less water you are at risk of intoxication. It's amazing how balanced our bodies are! I always thought gatorade was bad for you and it's claim of adding electrolytes was just a way to sell it but evidently there's truth to it. I suspect it would be good to drink a gatorade or something similar maybe without all the dang sugar just after your exercise routine. Anyways, on to the links. Believe it or not it's quite hard to find good information on this subject.... perhaps that's why so many people don't believe you can drink too much water. I also posted some other links related to water and this subject. It's worth your while to read up on it.
I love wikipedia! In fact, this is the best article I have found on the subject.
Other water intoxication articles: ication.htm
A great source to learn more about the balance of fluids and electrolytes. e.html
Here's a site that started because of the girl in california who died of water intoxication from a water drinking contest sponsored by some ill-advised radio dj's. The site owners are obviously amateurs and haven't been able to find much information about the subject either but I admire their efforts.
Some info about the benefits of water: