My experiment....

She started at the same time she's down I think 13 or 15 pounds. I don't know I don't keep track of hers. Well see they're not vitamins, vitamins are good for you lol. These are what they call "nutrients". They're powder mixes, for like making puddings, hot cocoa, cappucino's, soups. Things like that. my mother said maybe they have something in them to stall you on purpose. Ya know for the company to make money? So I'm going with my theory.
Woohoo Lose pants! You might be losing inches.
I'm going to buy like one pair of jeans. I can't do these anymore. Everytime I go down the stairs the bottoms cover my whole shoe and the waist is like falling off my hips. I can't walk in them because they keep sagging. I have some old pairs of jeans that are one size down so I will wear them but I am going to porbably buy one pair and one pair of capri's or something then I will wear them until I totally can't wear them anymore. Because I will need another 20 pounds before another new size. For a total I am down 16 pounds. Wow! I actually started dieting in December...but slacked. So yea, I'm rambling!
I through out all my old clothes a few months ago because I had given up. I held on to them for about a year and finally said oh well. I'll never be this size again. Off to the salvation center they went. That must've been 100s of dollars worth of clothes. Sizes 38-42 and XL-XXL. Wish I woulda kept them all now! So anyways, I'm not gonna buy anything till 40 because I can just cinch up my belt extra tight. :) You should see the 46's on me now though. I do my best not to wear those because it's rather uncomfortable. But like I said. Not buying anymore clothes for a while so if everythign else is dirty then I'll put em on with my belt. Speaking of belts, I do have a size 42 left and I suspect I'll have to use it soon because my 44 is already on the last hole and I really need 1 more hole.