Couch to 5k Week 1, Session 2 - Someone call an ambulance!
One OTC thing i use for my froggy thing is guafnasin (sic) not with decongestant - mucinex, usually. I have to take 600 mg. We can get a generic brand at Costco - or Sams club. It makes mucus run more thin. It helps me. My doc gave me an inhaler - severent - that didn't do **** for it. As I say, mine does not always show up. I percieve that it started cuz of cold air, but truth is, even on hot days, once in a while, it will start up. DON'T give up, if anything, scale back a hair - don't work so hard, but keep showing up. I really think lots of people try to go way too fast when working on running. I had to close out *other people* and just do my own thing. Yes, i looked friggin pathetic out there. I got cat-called a bunch (teenage boys were the worst). Thank God most of the time I was in the dark before most people were up even. Work on being consistent more than anything - even a couple times a week will help you build a base.
I can't take anything too seriously either. Sh*t is funny, all of it.