Watta Wednesday! Questions by the N.O. meister...
- Do you use any supplements/vitamins? Why or why not?
- Spill a really dorky memory that relates to a popular song from your teen years.
- If you were asked to write one sentence about your love life, what would it be?
- What sport do you secretly wish you were master/mistress of?
- What was your favorite TV show or cartoon as a kid and why?
- Do you use any supplements/vitamins? Fish Oil, sometimes flaxseed oil, daily vitamins from Costco. ish oil is the me supplement women shoudl use for heart health, the flax seed for my hair loss issues. Daily vitamins cuz it's hard to get all nutrients when you're cutting back on food!
- Spill a really dorky memory that relates to a popular song from your teen years. My girlfriend Barb and I had a Supreme-esque dance routine all choreographed to "Busy Thinking 'Bout my Baby"
- If you were asked to write one sentence about your love life, what would it be? I never thought i would be having the best sex of my life looking like THIS!
- What sport do you secretly wish you were master/mistress of? I wish I were wayyy better at softball.
- What was your favorite TV show or cartoon as a kid and why? The Beatles - i loved the sing a long parts! Waay back, I loved Captain Kangaroo; i thought Mr. Green Jeans was HOT. I always tell my DH he looks like Mr. Green Jeans.

1. Oh the secret is out I do take diet supplements....Relacore and Zantrex-3, Why because it seems to work, Relacore kinda makes me happy it's a real feel good pill, and Zantrex gives me that extra energy boost. 1. Well since my teen years were not that long ago...about umm I believe 4 or 5 years ago I was with my best friend we were 15 so ahh crap that was 6 years ago....she had this kareoke machine, we recorded ourselves singing the song "Baby" by Ashanti....we never realized how many times she says that in the whole song we were laughing histerically. 1. I could put it in one word actually. Complicated. 1. Well I am already the Mistress of softball...I'm not bragging I truely am. But umm secretly I wish I would have played basketball also and become a pro at that as well.
1. I absolutely LOVED the show called "Dinosaurs" it wasn't a cartoon it was a tv show that came on once a week at night. I don't know if any of you remember it but I loved it.