Energy drink hype
Do you drink energy drinks like Monster? If so, what kinds and how often?? Do you think they're bad for you? What about the lo-carb kinds?
I drink the Lo-carb by Monster Energy. This weekend I had two but normally I try to limit myself to one a week. I love these things, I love the taste. I don't think they really give me that much energy though.
Monster Lo-Carb Energy Drink:

No, I don't use them, only cuz of borderline blood pressure issues. I know caffeine aggravates it, so i even sold my soul for 1/2 decaf and 1/2 regular coffee in the mornings (hangs head in shame).
i could be a major coffee freak - love it. I drank full caf today, 2- 12 ounce cups, as i had to stay awake driving home from Oakland.
I will drink the Enviga - the new green tea one once in a while. Sugar free, only green tea in it. Very similar label for it as well.
I would only comment also that I'm not sure what gurana is, never looked it up. I always get a little weird about stuff that is unknown for use long term. This stuff must be fda approved, though, right.
I recognize l-cartinine, taurine - they are amino acids. I beleive Insitol is a sugar alcohol, no big deal there, of course maltodexrin in a form of sugar. The glucu stuff, don't know, seems like a sugar/starch. Obviously not much of it at 10 cal per serving.
I'd use them once in a while, sure, if not for the bp crap.
I have high blood pressure to the point I have to take lysinopril to control it. That only recently developed when I hit 320lbs. I haven't taken my medicine since Dec 2005. My blood pressure was high when I checked it back in january and february but I haven't checked it this month. Since I've lost the 25lbs I imagine it''s probably not too bad. I'm a risk taker so I take energy boosters, caffeine and other stuff that I shouldn't be taking despite my hypertension problems. I did quit taking Zantrex-3 this week though. I started getting headaches and body/muscle pain so I figured that was the only thing I've been doing different. They're gone now..
I love coffee too! Since I quit the zantrex I may just have me a cup or 6 this morning. Full caf juice only for me.
I've never tried the green tea. I hear a lot of people like it. Seems a little "yoga"-like to me. :)
Guarana is a stimulant similar to caffeine. It's been attributed to weight loss, fat cell reduction, increased endurance, and may offer a reduction in chance of a stroke or heart attack.
"The Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics published a study in June 2001 showing an average 11.2 pound weight loss in a group taking a mixture of yerba mate, guaraná and damiana, compared to an average 1 pound loss in a placebo group after 45 days."
See for more information.
In all my research online I haven't been able to find anything bad about the energy drinks, at least not the low carb versions. The full carb versions are probalby similar to a regular coke or pepsi. They just have extra additives to boost your energy but they have a lot of sugar, carbs and calories, but probably still better than a soda. :)
Monster Energy (Original Flavor):

The zantrex is a weight loss supplement/diet pill. It's loaded with caffeine and other herbs that seem to help in with weight loss. (including your yogi tea
Lol, I dunno! It's just that everyone I see drinking green tea is walking around with hands held out to the side, their index finger touching their thumb, their head held high in the air as if sniffing for something and moaning Huhhmmmmmmm.....
Besides, this lady at work used to drink it and everyone picked on her saying it smelled like cat pee! lol! Hey, perhaps there's something to it and I should try it! I've always believed you shouldn't knock it till you try it. Perhaps I will dump some in my monster can or drink it in the privacy of my home. (Hmm.. I hear pot is therapeutic too... lol..woohoo! Monster green tea and pot! Those hippies were right, they just needed some modern twists on it!)