Fantastic Friday

Ahh France and Scotland and everything. Sounds like so much fun! I want to go! lol. Geez, take me with you. I hope you have a great time there, I'm sure you will!
Very Interesting....this is almost taboo...kinda like discussing religion and politics.....JUST KIDDING!!! LOL
1. Apples...their shiny (and sinful)
2. Actually both, aliens brought them at the same time, its a conspiracy
3. Where do you think the aliens came from?
4. Not being a dietician, I would have to say grilled pork chop(?) can't handle beef and chicken that often.......spagetti, spagetti, spagetti (better drink my protein this subject is making me hungry!)
Happy Friday everyone. Lets be strong and stay focused on our goals over the weekend. 1. I love a crisp juicy apple. I like Gala and Red Delicious. 2. I'm not sure which came first but I like to eat both of them. 3. I hope there isn't life on Mars. That scares me. My hubby swears he saw an alien once in Cuba when he was a child. Sure honey! I believe you. NOT! 4. I would live off of sushi. I love it. The other thing would be Mexican Food. Give me some chips and salsa and a good margarita and I am one happy mamacita.
5. Believe it or not I have never been out of this country. I've barely been out of California. At 35 years of age I have only flown twice. Once to Arizona and once to Florida. I need to get out more. I'm telling you though when I reach goal I am going on a cruise, in a helicopter and white water rafting.
I got so excited talking about food I forgot 5.....
Lived in Germany as a kid for 5 1/2 years right on the French to see Paris and the Louvre, Lived in a camper up and down the coast of Spain for a whole summer, Italy (got bit by a pigeon by some fountain?) I think I remember a church with a whole lot a drawings on its ceiling, Puerto Rico is cool (does that count being a commonwealth), New York (its like 50 countries in one)..... You are right Germany is awesome being a kid! Lots of GOOD chocolate and good food I'd kill for some schnitzel right now. Australia is my dream, always had a fantasy about drinking a beer with a Gorgeous Crocodile Dundee type (don't tell my husband...LOL)........OZZY OZZY OZZY OY OY OY!