This or That and Why?
You are so cute and this is fun so I'll play along. 1. I love Best Foods Mayo the best. BUT since starting my healthy eating habits I have cut out all mayo and use Grey Poupon instead. 2. I love the beach and country but I would pick the beach. How about a country style house on the beach? 3. I bike ride and walk every day as part of my exercise regimen. I would pick walking though becuase you can do it just about anywhere. I won't ride my bike on the street here in Los Angeles. It is so dangerous. I only ride on a bike path. 4. Football for me.
5. I have two small kids so renting it is.
1) I'm a Mayo girl. Miracle whip scares me because it's so processed.
2) Beach - I'm a fish. If I didn't live on a coast I don't know what I'd do.
3) Bike Riding. Speed. Love me some speed.
4) Basketball. I don't understand american football.
5) Going to the movies. For some weird reason, I feel like I pay more attention when I'm in a theatre.