Sunday accountability
soy powder + tomato juice (the soy was unflavored, not too bad)
Lunch: at Sierra nevada brewery - yikes, but i kept it together; 1/2 assorted lean meat sandwich on a large roll (cheese on it too), mustard, 6 cajun fries, 16 oz beer (2 small glasses)
Tonight: chicken & scalloped potatoes = 2 cups, biggo salad, lf dressing
Bike ride: 75 minutes, fast pace. Very hilly area.
Hiya Neecee,
I've been so busy lately, I haven't been on the board much. Down to 169 at the moment since I'm blowing off my pms bloating right now. Here's how yesterday went for me:
50 minutes on the treadmill (~350 calories out)
Only got in about 80 oz of water
Breakfast - Zone Perfect protein bar (200 cal)
Brunch - Schwan's diet chicken pizza (280 cal)
Lunch - Lean Cuisine Swedish meatball meal (280 cal)
Afternoon Snack - Pure Protein bar (190 cal)
Dinner - 2 beef/bean burritos (580 cal)
I ate more calories than usual yesterday (especially that dinner
), but I'm supposed to donate blood tomorrow (although I may get refused for anemia since I'm on my period right now), so I wanted a little extra energy. Today I'll try to stick to my usual ~1,250 calories although I am planning on hitting the gym this evening after treadmilling this morning, so I may squeeze in a 6th "mini-meal" to make it 1,500 calories if I'm feeling wiped this evening.
And grats on going to a restaurant and not having a major blow-out. There are certain places I just don't trust myself to go right now.