Mini WOW Moment
Hi all,
As I'd posted on one of the boards a week or so ago, I had been locked in a vicious cycle of self-sabotage and binge sprees since Halloween. In the two months prior to Halloween, I had been completely compliant and dropped from 216 back down to 181. Since that time, I had waffled back and forth between 181-184 over and over after my Halloween day Chocolate Massacre started the spiral out of control. I switch from Obese to Overweight at 180, and I have a long history of self-sabotage anytime I'm about to hit a milestone.
Anyway, my mini-WOW moment is that I'm 100% back on track since Xmas, and I weighed 180 this morning. Also, since I'm in major PMS/bloating right now, I know I'll have some "magic" weight loss in just a few days.
January and February are usually really good weight loss months for me, so hopefully I'll be well on my way to my goal for the end of May when the kids get out of school (140#).
Now, back to the water and the treadmill!
Hi Julie,
I can totally relate to the self-sabotage. The good thing is you admit it and now on the road to beating the monster lol. Congrats on your mini-milestone, its a big step!
Quick question: On the treadmill, how do you get over the I'm about to fall over bc I'm on solid ground feeling? I can't do treadmills for the life of me, I fall over afterwards lol. Its not only retarded, its embarassing. Besides, the elliptical is an awesome workout.
Good luck!
Hiya Rahel,
I know what you mean about the loss of balance.
My treadmill does a slow warm-up and cool-down on its program, so that helps me some. I have positional vertigo, so I try to never turn my head suddenly while treadmilling or the results aren't pretty!
I did start the elliptical at the gym a few months ago, and man, it does use different muscles. I about died the day after my first go round. Now I can do the full routine on it before I switch to the bike.
LOL I guess I figured out a name for my problem...positional vertigo lol. I am tempted to try the treadmill again. I'm so scared of the weird reaction I had. I nearly passed out at the gym. I was mortified. Yeah the elliptical does work some muscles I didn't know I had. Atleast its known to giving people REALLY nice backsides when they stick to schedule. I liked doing the bike where you sit back and the pedals are in front of you. I stopped using it as much because I didn't feel I was getting that much from it like I was getting from the elliptical. However, when I feel like I'm gonna die on the elliptical, I switch to the bike for a bit of a cool down, so that helps.
Do you like doing exercise videos at all? I kinda perfer them bc I can do them in the privacy of my home, at my own time. I'm really excited about getting my Yoga Booty Ballet video. I think tomorrow I'll try the ball again. It looks simple, but it truly does hurt lol. I think I nearly tore my abdominal muscle, which would have been bad lol. Maybe I'll do pilates in the morning and convince my hubby to get out of bed and join me at the gym. I have 16 days left before I'm back to school and the absolutely chaotic schedule, so I want to try to set something up where its early in the morning and my first priority. My goal is to lose 5 lbs this month. I need to stick to it!
Hi Rahel,
Yeah, I do both the recumbent bike and upright bike after the elliptical, and neither works me like the elliptical does. I sort of use them as a cool down before I hit the weight room. My gym has little TV screens in front of all the equipment, so I can plug my headset in and pedal away forever.
As for exercise videos, my best friend (worst enemy?) the treadmill sits right in a corner of the family room facing the TV. I usually treadmill with an action movie on with the sound blasting and the lights off so I feel cooler. I have a whole collection of exercise videos/dvd's which I never seem to use. But yes, I much prefer being in the privacy of my own home instead of at the gym in my grungy sweats next to some 19-yr-old with a BMI of about 18 just trotting along in her designer shorts.
Julie you crack me up! Sadly I understand EXACTLY what you are talking about. I go to school with a bunch of REALLY pretty and pretty much thin girls who complain they are fat. When they can't buy clothes at a normal store and are destined to only shop at Lane Bryant (keep in mind NO CHEAP), then they can talk to me about the world of fat lol.
I have an exercise/game room upstairs. I NEVER use it lol. I bought this home gym thingy for my husband...used it once. I have the Gazelle, which is garbage, and some other thing which is garbage lol. I should seriously consider selling it but I think it might break my mom's heart considering she paid a few hundred dollars on that crap lol. I think its awesome your gym has that option. I have the IPOD that I almost never use anymore. My best friend and I figured out a plan. Our workouts go by faster if we are talking and laughing on the phone. We used to jump on the elliptical and talk to each other, but once again, we stopped lol. We made a new yrs resolution to each other that we will push each other even though we r 1600 miles away from each other.
I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to spend the money on a nodiktrac elliptical, but I doubt my husband will let me right now lol. I have to seriously prove to him I'll be on it every day lol.
I'm curious, what movies do you like to workout to?
Hi Rahel,
Yeah, I've got something collecting dust too. We have a giant Blowflex in our bedroom which has been functioning mostly as laundry storage for the last 2 years.
For some reason I have no problem hitting the weight room at the gym, but when it comes to using the Bowflex in my own bedroom, I just seem to have no motivation. (Maybe cause it would involve actually putting all the laundry away.
We have hundreds and hundreds of dvd's, so I just grab an action movie and hit the treadmill. Today was Blade Trinity (Jessica Biel's fitness level is absolutely awesome in that movie). Yesterday was Soldier (science fiction with Kurt Russell who got his body looking like that at the age of 47!). Day before that was the 13th Warrior (Antonio Banderas). Earlier in the week was King Arthur (the recent one with Keira Knightley), the first Tomb Raider movie, and I believe Aeon Flux (sp?).
Sometimes if I'm feeling really energetic and think treadmilling will be easy, I'll put in a drama or comedy instead. But 90% of the time, it's action all the way for me.
That is too funny! I really need to look into some research on why we won't use the stuff readily available to us 24hrs a day, but will be willing to do it in front of others in a place we have to pay. Something is wrong here lol. You know what I was tempted to buy...that bowflex elliptical/treadmill. Then I thought about how much it cost and including my medical bills when I fall off that thing and land on something hard lol.
Jessica Biel has an AMAZING body, but the girl doesn't get that much work...its sad!
Hiya Neecee,
Yeah, losing a lot of weight right at the start seems to be what I'm good at. I have OCD with addiction problems, so whenever I give up excessive food, I tend to become excessive in other areas. This time around I limited my exercise to a reasonable and healthy amount. You don't want to know how much I dropped in the first couple months 2 years ago when I started dieting. My treadmilling then was way out of control and resulted in a re-fracture in my right foot, numerous sores on my feet, and the loss of 2 toenails. This time around I normally only treadmill once a day for 50 min. And since I started August 28th, I haven't injured my feet at all.
I'm working hard not to give in to any harmful addictions, instead indulging my harmless compulsions like reading the forums and excessive cleaning.
And yeah, the holiday season almost always gets me. My family lives nearby; my husband's family lives nearby. It's almost a non-stop whirlwind of social engagements that all involve food.
My DH's relatives are all mostly heavy, so their parties especially get me. The last one had such healthy foods as 6 kinds of pizza, pop, eclairs, cinnamon rolls, gingerbread cookies, chocolate cream pie, Doritos, etc.... You get the picture. It's like everybody wants me to stay fat.
Good luck on meeting your goal!
Ohmigod! Your poor feet!!!! You should treat yourself to a spa pedicure. Its absolutely luxurious treat. Besides, your feet will feel better.
BTW I sometimes feel like my family wants me to stay fat too. Whenever I'm at my mom's house or brother's house, they are always shoving sweets and fattening foods in front of my face. I don't think they do it on purpose. However, sometimes subconsciously we feel less guilty of indulging in something sinful when someone joins us.