New to this forum
Well I guess I am joining the rest of the non-ops longer considered a pre-op.
I spent 3 years trying to get the surgery...had to change insurance...decided to quit smoking, had to start all thru all my tests, got medical clearance, was waiting for insurance approval and the program shut down. It was supposed to re-open at a new hospital in Sept, but they were not given authorization to do so. After reading about another death yesterday, I finally decided enough is enough and I just need to get off my hiney and do this myself. I'm down 13lbs since my initial weigh in with the that's a start. What program are most of you using? I'm thinking of joining Weigh****chers...we'll see.
(deactivated member)
on 9/28/06 8:52 pm - Non-Op, MD
on 9/28/06 8:52 pm - Non-Op, MD
Good morning Denise,
Congratulations on your 13lb weight loss and welcome to the non-op forum.
Hi Denise
Welcome! I know you will be very successful. I am new and not using a program. I eat every 3 hours, work out 5 days a week which consist of cardio and weights and when I can't get time to do those ( I have a toddler so time is limited) I do a aerobic tape called Walk away the Pounds.
From what I have seen on this forum, WW is a great asset. If you have the time, I would go for it.
Be Blessed
Congrats on the 13 lbs!!!
I'm new hear myself. I am actually approved for the RnY, but my mother is so adamant about me not having this done that she has asked me to allow her to put me on her diet plan, which is simply a better way of eating. She found out she was diabetic and lost 65lbs in about 5 months with simple steps! I am following her diabetic plan except that there are things I can have more of being I am not diabetic YET. (grapes, more fruits, etc.) It really sounds like it is right on track with the weigh****chers point system, which is what I am considering when my mom gets tired of doing it for me. I've been on it one week and believe I have lost 10 lbs already. I won't be sure until I can weigh on the same scale at my doctor's office. I am never hungry, and I don't feel deprived at all. If I actually lose with this, I know I can stay with it. We shall see!
Congrats on your initial 13 gone!
Friday, October 13th, 2006
The Plan- or a day in the plan at least
... had a request... thought I would post it.
(This is not in my profile... Write down everything you eat, drink, chew... whatever you put in your mouth. Keep track of it. I put my eating in an email to my mom and she adds up my "points." Allowing someone else to track your eating creates accountability, so make sure it is someone that loves you and will tell you if you are failing. My points are based on a diebetic food exchange point plan, not weigh****chers, so I don't know how they compare. I'm almost positive they are close. I am allowed 17-20 points per day because I am six foot three with a truly XL frame. My mom is allowed 13-16 points at six foot and a smaller frame. I have not had any trouble staying under 10 points. Ten is the most I have had in one day, and I thought I had gone over board a couple of times. It was the fat and the breading that got me on the CFS and gravy. I have added counting fat grams to my plan and will eventually add counting calories until I learn which foods I can and cannot or should not eat.)
1. Eliminate carbonated beverages! (Diet pop if you have to have it)
2. Absolutely, positively, No Deep Fried Nothin'!
3. Super Easy on the Gravy!
4. No Potatoes! No Potatoes! No Potatoes!(if you have to have it... only 1/2 cup per meal)
5. No Rice, No Pasta, and Easy Easy on the Bread! (again if you must eat it, limit pasta and rice to one cup and try to do only one peace of bread per meal.
6. Drink as much water as you can- 64oz is a good daily rule!
7. Avoid four legged animals. (avoid not get rid of) :~)
8. Don't add sugar to anything! (This is a huge guide line)
9. Don't buy anything that is individually wrapped like Little Debbie, snack cakes, pies, jelly rolls. (Even if you like to get them for your kids, try to replace their snacks with fruits, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. It's good to teach them healthy eating habits early and gets rid of the temptation for you.)
Here's what you can eat a lot of:
(try using favorite seasonings or flavors- I really like lemon squeezed on my broccoli and other steamed veggies and the lemon serves as an aid in weight loss... or so I read. If you are a tarter sauce user, you should try to replace it with something less fattening)
Veggies (steamed no butter, stewed, grilled, or baked)
Grilled/ Baked Skinless Chicken/ Turkey/ Fish
I drink tea with sweet-n-low, water, juice (no added sugar), and occasionally diet pop. Crystal light is a great alternative to other beverages as well. I really like the peach tea.
Monday, October 2, 2006-
Mom's diet
I am actually doing really well on her plan. She counts my points (and I'm not sure what her source is) and she gives me what I can eat through my work day. All I have to do is stay away from fast food, eating out, soda pop, added sugar, and watch my bread. It really hasn't been that difficult. She has told me not to allow myself to get hungry and gives me extra fruit to eat randomly throughout the day. I can only eat certain fruits because some of them tend to make me feel yucky. If I just have to have a taste of something bad... she says "taste it." ... so I taste whatever it might be and decide if I really like it or not, if whatever I'm eating doesn't just curl my toes, I don't fini**** And yes... I have thrown some food away this week! Major step for me. I really don't see how I am going to lose weight, but I am following her advice, if I can't be successful it may tell me I need to take further "action." Wish me luck!
(If you just have to have some cheetohs, have some, but count them and know how many you have had. I try to stay at 5 and have had 10 when I was just dying for them. This goes for anything you might be craving or wanting... don't forget to keep track of how much and what you are eating. You will be able to tell by your weight each week if you have gone too far. If you gain weight... don't be discouraged... simply review your week and change whatever you know to be a problem. I will not be having CFS any time soon. :~))
Typical Day for me:
Ham, Egg, Cheese Sandwich:
2 slices dry whole wheat toast ( I opt for 2 breads to get me through the day instead of 1 and don't have one at night)
1 slice of the leanest ham I can find (read every package you buy!)
1 slice Kraft 2% Cheese
1 Large Scrambled Egg
1 Banana
1TBSP Crunchy Peanut Butter on 1 Piece of whole wheat bread
1 bowl homemade vegetable beef stew (take out the potatoes)
1 cup cottage cheese with fresh apples and cinnamon
1 String Cheese Stick
1 Orange
5 Pretzels
1 medium serving homemade Chicken Enchiladas (avoid the tortilla or chips and eat mostly chicken)
Green beans (use 1tsp olive oil and garlic salt instead of butter or bacon to flavor and you can eat the whole can if you want... two cans even!)
Cauliflower (lightly spread real mayo over the head of cauliflower and sprinkle cheddar cheese- Microwave for about 5-8 minutes until it is as tender as you like it. You can eat as much of it as you want too!)
If you still aren't full... have 1 cup of low-fat cottage cheese and/or a piece of fruit.
You can do just about anything that isn't fried, doesn't have gravy, has no added sugar or butter, and isn't individually wrapped.
This is what I did the first week when I lost 13 pounds right off the bat. I am pre-menstrual and having a bit of weight gain(1.5lbs), but I think it is partially due to the water weight. I'm still fitting better into clothes, some I haven't been able to wear in a year even! Also, during the week and a half before my period I get extra hungry and crave harder than any pregnant woman that has ever lived. I don't just crave chocolate. I had chicken fried steak and tried to take it easy. My mom thinks that is where my weight gain has come from because I had my 1/2 cup of mashed potatoes and put gravy on both. I think next time I just have to have something like that, it will be a grilled chopped steak patty with some other vegetable and no gravy. I'm pretty sure I can make that work. As far as the chocolate goes... I have made myself only eat the expensive stuff because it is so rich I can't eat more than a serving without vomitting. :~)
Please feel free to email me! I like to share success!
Hi Nikki, welcome to the non-op board. Congrats on the 13 lbs. All Im doing is watching my carb and fat intake, trying to excercise but I dont always find the time every day. I just bought the TurboJam dvd and thats pretty fun. I know alot of people who have been successful on weigh****chers. Hope to see more of you on the boards.