Broke my abstinence!
Yesterday I tried to move on from Step Seven to Step Eight, but God didn't want it that way, and I got a very strong emotional hunger pang, and instead of calling another OA member, I gave in and binged on Melba Snacks. I made up another list of defects, and went back to working Step Seven. I feel like I will be on Step Seven forever, since some of the character defects are so ingrained in my personality that I'm not sure they'll ever be removed! I also feel I'll be fat forever. Oh well, at least I'm abstinent today.
Denise Phares
Denise, I think you are way to hard on yourself. I'm sure your character 'defects' are no worse than those most of us have. I understand that 12 step groups want you to deal with this - but maybe you should make yourself a list of all the things that are pluses about you as well. The combination of the pluses and minues are after all what makes us the unique individuals we are! Hope your day went better. Karen