No more posting meals
The whole idea of monitoring your eating is to keep yourself accountable. If it helps you to post it publicly, then I definitely encourage you to keep doing that. I can understand why you would feel odd about it since others aren't following your lead but at the same time, I applaud your honesty and commitment to your program. It inspires me.
I go in stages but tend to get a little compulsive with it and it can get a little dangerous for me. This is all a very mental game for me. Since i'm recovering from PS, this is one of those times where it wouldn't benefit me to do it rigidly.
When I do monitor full force, I use a computer program that calculates everything for me called Balencelog. It's great. Bottom line is that you have to find a method that works for you - whether its writing it publicly, in a notebook, on a website like fitday or in a program like Balencelog. However you do it, please keep it up as it is a well researched and proven factor in successful weight loss.