Sunday Meal PLan...
Carol Jean (CJ)
on 6/18/06 8:11 am - Non-Op, CT
on 6/18/06 8:11 am - Non-Op, CT
Hi guys...
I'm STILL not hungry ever since I had that horrid burger yesterday. I have had NO desire to eat, or even drink anything all day today... ugh... but, here's what I've forced myself to eat:
B: South Beach Diet bar, glass of milk.
S: Ham, Turkey, Cheese rollup.
L: Tuna Salad with 4 multi grain crackers.
S: String cheese and 4 slices of Pepperoni
D: I may have more tuna salad... it's quick, easy, and light.
Slacked on the water again today... but I'm picking it up as we speak.
Hey girl,
I know what you mean by non-op "dumping syndrome" I had it today when I had too many sugar free reese !!!!!!!!!!!! so I had to skip lunch !!!!!!!
B-- Total Whole Grain Cereal with skim milk...........
S-- pretzels w/smart beat lo--cal cheese
skip lun............
D-- lo--cal bacon on local wheat bread with fat free mayo........1 slice of cal cheese.
80+ oz of water/ went running at the park............

Hey CJ,
I hear ya on the too sick to eat still. But I'm glad you made yourself eat something.
For me:
B - weight control cinnamon oatmeal with ground flax seed, slice of oat bran bread w/smart balance pb and sugar free jelly
S - mozzarella stick, apple
L - turkey burger plain with a little bit of salsa on top, 1/2 ear of corn
D - raspberries, blueberries, strawberries - not a great dinner but I was at a bbq/birthday and we had a half lunch/dinner thingie I guess. Everyone else was eating birthday cake so the fruit was by far the better choice
I consumed 125 ounces of water today in addition to all my vitamins.