Weekly Weigh-In
Carol Jean (CJ)
on 5/26/06 10:28 pm - Non-Op, CT
on 5/26/06 10:28 pm - Non-Op, CT
Good Morning everyone!
I had a pretty decent week again... only down one pound, but still, the scale is going DOWN. At the same time, it's "that time of the month", so I know I have bloating, etc etc. So, next week will be a much better indication of where I stand. Here's my Saturday STATS...
***CURRENT: 163!
Starting: 250
As of 1/1/06: 188
Goal: 140
-1lb from last week
-25 lbs since 1/1
-87lbs total
-4 lb to go until I hit the 150's!
-13lbs to go until CENTURY
-23lbs to go until GOAL
One thing I've noticed is that the closer I get to my goal, the harder it is to lose, and the slower the loss goes. UGH. Oh well. Anyways, I hope everyone has a SAFE and HAPPY Memorial Day Weekend!!
Hey CJ,
I was thinking this morning that it's really cool to keep getting on the scale and it either goes down, or even stays the same. I used to marvel at those folks that said, I weigh _____, never even thinking. I was like, wow, they weigh the same thing ALL the time, amazing.
I truly never knew what I weighed, sheesh, who wanted to.
I was having a conversation with my girlfriend last weekend where I said that I knew my weight at milestones. For instance, 277 when I was just pregnant with my now 17 year old son. 342 when I was 8 months pregnant with my now 14 year old. I remember vaguely weighing in at an employment physical and it saying something like 387. My girlfriend said "hmmm, that must have been a wakeup call." I said, "nah, I just convinced myself the scale was wrong." Heck, even if it was wrong, let's just say it weighed heavy by 20 pounds, yikes!!!
I am happy that the scale isn't the only measure of success. If that were the case I think I would always be frustrated at the numbers. Right now my BMI is 34.8, which puts me on the low end of obese. Considering I started out at 55.1 I'd say I've come a long way. But even at my self-imposed goal of 200 I will still have a BMI of 31.3. I am going to have to get down to like 158 to be at the high end of normal. So to me, numbers are just that. But I do want to see the scale go down, just like everyone else!!!
Now, after all that babbling
. Interestingly enough I stepped on the scale during the week and I was down as low as 219, Yay me. But this morning, official weigh in, I was 222 again. So a loss of zilch!!!
Another 22 pounds to get to goal.
Have a great weekend.

Hi Everyone!
Well, I've been absent from the board for a while as I am too embarassed by my behaviour lately. But I figured it is time to get involved again, and more so when things are not going well.
I continue to struggle every day with keeping on top of the weight and diabetes. I'm getting frustrated with myself as it has been since October that I have truly been working the program. I keep losing 10 gaining 15, losing 12 gaining 20.
So far I am up 20 pounds and very scared. But I am also getting a little sick and tired of myself. It like "Come on" I have a choice here. Stop your whining and get back on track. So once again, I am going to lose those same 20 pounds