Status Quo
I like my OA food plan, and I think that even if my insurance did pay for weight loss sugery, I wouldn't opt to have it. On my food plan, I have:
2 servings of grain/starch
2 oz. of protein
1 serving of fruit
2 servings of milk*
AM Snack* (this isn't on the original plan - I save a milk from breakfast in the form of yogurt for my mid-morning snack, which I eat three hours after breakfast)
1 milk*
2 servings of grain/starch
4 oz. protein
2 servings of fat
3 servings of vegetables
2 servings of grain/starch
4 oz. protein
2 servings of fat
3 servings of vegetables
Either Slimfast bar, Muffin bar, or sugar free, low fat ice cream product
After wls, you have to eat next to nothing (once your pouch is healed, and I'm afraid I'd feel very deprived. I tend to binge when I feel deprived).
Denise Phares