Sat--Exercise Challenge
Hey Phyllis!!
I liked when you were gone, didn't feel so guilty about missing my workout day!!
Between baseball and track meets my whole schedule is off!! Thankfully there are only 5 track meets for the season, and only 2 more left to go. Baseball season doesn't end until July. Buttttttttttttttttt
I did head to the gym this morning, as usual and ended up with:
60 minutes Group Power Class
35 minutes elliptical.
And I got the best news ever!!!! They are allowing 14 and 15 year olds to go to the gym under their parents membership, for FREE!!!!, and they can use any and all of the services of a full fledged member. I am absolutely excited. My son was on all the machines today.
He stayed for 1.5 minutes on the elliptical. I told him to keep it up and soon he'd be at it like a champ.
I hope everyone has a spectacular Mothers Day.