I talked with an OA lady who was also a sponsor (although not my sponsor), and she felt that gaining a pound in a month was not a good enough reason to make drastic changes to my food plan. She felt I was obessing about my weight and my food too much, and I should concentrate more on doing the Steps. I have to agree with her. There is more to life than food and weight, after all. I feel freer just talking with her. I am currently on my Sixth Step (was entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character). It's a tough one to do, because it requires a change of mind and a change of heart. I'll have to look over all of the defects uncovered in my Fourth Step, and work on being willing to change. I just have to be willing to change, and start by dropping some of the defective behavior I've been engaging in.
One of my defective behaviors which I didn't mention in the Fifth Step was eating food that my one client was done with, and left on her plate. I have a hard time just throwing that food away, so I've just been behaving like a human garbage can instead, and eating it. This is wrong behavior, and it'll be hard to give up. Any suggestions?
Denise Phares
Sorry Denise, I do not have any suggestions.
My weight maintains between 150-153. Sometimes I am up 3 pounds in a week. I don't look at it as gaining weight. I look at it as maintaing my weight loss from 300 pounds down to my current weight.
I hope you can find a plan that you are happy with.
I don't know what the situation is with you client but here a few suggestions that may or may not be options depending on that situation.
Can you take the waste can to the plate and scrape the leftovers into it in front of the client before taking the plate to the sink?
Immediately scrape the plate into the garbage disposal and run it without stopping or thinking about it.
Put less food on your client's plate so that there are not any leftovers (this would save waste and so save your client money as well).
Is the client able to scrape her own plate when she is done so you don't see the leftovers or at least don't have to "handle" them?
Don't know if any of this will help but I wish you the very best of luck in working through your issues. It sounds like you are very open to doing the work it takes and that is half the battle.
I have a hard time with wasting food too, but I have gotten over it. Because I'm not doing anyone any good by eating the extra food.
Even now when people give me cookies and candy (even though they know I am trying to watch my weight) I thank them. then when no one is looking I throw it away.
To off set the waste of food, I donate money or whatever is needed to a charity here at work.