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on 7/7/11 1:12 am - Milford, NJ
Topic: Protein Suggestions Please!!!
How did you consume your protein when you were on post op clear liquids???? Wish they made something tasteless we can just put in our water :)

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

Tom C.
on 7/6/11 7:38 am - Mount Arlington, NJ


REASON: A few of you have mentioned you’d like to get together for a dinner. We can sit around, meet each other, share our trials and tribulations and maybe a few laughs. While we want to help each other lose, maybe we can also help each other gain  … a new friend or two (or 5).


EVERYONE is invited to come. It doesn’t matter which operation you had, or even if you haven’t had a procedure yet, or maybe you’re just “thinking" about it !! COME and have a good time !!


If your apprehensive in attending, let me assure you – you will have a good time. There is No judging !! We are tolerant of each other’s decisions. And if it means anything, the Food Police are banned from our gathering.


Each time we do this, I will try to “move" the location - since no one location will be convenient for everyone.


This time we’re in the “Southern" section of the Garden State !!


Place: Jakeabob's Bay

Location: 525 Front Street - Union Beach, New Jersey 07735

Time: 05:30     it is understandable that not everyone can arrive at this time, so come WHENEVER. We probably won’t order until 06:30

Menu / Website:!/profile.php?id=100001675728441


We will be sitting outside overlooking the ocean – unless it’s bad, then inside – OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN :D !!


And this time let’s SWAP .. NO!!!!! not that !!! – CLOTHES !!! Bring items you no longer needs, and maybe someone else can use them.


In the meantime, for the “meeting newbies" here are some meeting request. I hope I don't offend anyone - it's not meant to be that. Just helpful. 


(1) If you want a separate check, please let the server know prior to taking the orders. It’s a hassle to ask the server to do this later on. And some places won’t do this if the crowd is too numerous.


(2) Usually when we do a group meeting, I like to divide check by the total number of folks at the table, instead of trying to figure out who had what. (If someone brings more than one person, they multiple the total owed by the number of people they have). Now I understand if you only order a coffee and someone else has a Filet Mignon with a 5 lbs Lobster – then we can address that more diplomatically.


(3) Please bring CASH (unless you want a separate check). And please make sure you have an assortment of bills. It’s really difficult to make change when everyone brings only 20’s.


(4) Bring a CAMERA!! Even if you are like me and camera shy, you’ll still want to take some photos of the folks who are there. I don’t have one or I would.


(5) Bring “proof" of your former self. Nothing says “how far you have come" like older photos. Even if you lost only 1 pound, bring your “before" pictures (and at the last meeting we all agree we hate that word only. Be proud of any amount of weight you lost).


(6) Please feel free to post and link this on any other forum you peruse (ex. Lapband, Rant and Rave, Realize band, RNY, VBG, VSB, etc). The more the merrier !!


(7) Print your Obesity Help “Membership" card so we hand them out. If you don’t know how to do this, send me an personal message, and I will send you the instructions.


And for those who haven’t had the operation yet – you too are more the welcome to come. In fact, you are encouraged to come!! This would be a ‘true-life’ learning experience to see “life after the operation". You will be able to hear what our ups-and-downs are, and you are encouraged to ask as many questions as you want. Other “up-comers" have come, and found it interesting and educational.


Significant others and/or kids are also welcomed (however you may want to leave them behind so you can really enjoy yourself  – it’s up to you)


Remember this is a GROUP effort. Please feel free to add your suggestion and/or voice your opinion on any suggestion. AND NO HARD FEELING – this is meant to be a pleasant experience.


Finally, since I cannot post on every board – please feel free to tell folks and/or copy and paste this on the boards you frequent.



Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 7/6/11 2:22 am - Toms River, NJ
Topic: Reminder - July OCWLS Meeting - Friday, July 8th
Just a reminder that our regularly scheduled July meeting will be held this Friday, July 8th at 7pm at Community Medical Center - Aud C.

Note the date and Auditorium change due to the holiday date change.  Who's going to be there?

Ocean County Weight Loss Support Group (OCWLS)


Toms River:  Meets First Friday of Each Month 7-9 p.m.

Community Medical Center – Auditorium A

Hospital Drive & Route 37 West, Toms River, NJ


 Toms River 2011 Meeting Schedule


July 8 (2nd Friday)-Aud C

August 5

September 9 (2nd Friday)-Aud C

October 7

November 4

December 2 (HOLIDAY PARTY)

The Ocean County Weight Loss Surgery (OCWLS) Support Group is a peer-to-peer group which is open to individuals who have undergone various types of weight loss surgery, or to those who are anticipating or planning this kind of lifestyle change.  Supportive family members and friends are also welcome.

Our group members have had their surgeries performed by various WLS surgeons and hospitals, and we are not affiliated with any specific WLS surgeon or hospital.

Pre-Registration is Not Required.  If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.

Note:  OCWLS Support Group employs a self-help model and does not give medical advice.  Any information provided and/or obtained during the meetings is for educational purposes only and is not intended nor recommended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any medical condition or treatment.


Lap RNY 6/16/03
Revise to DS 8/15/11

on 7/6/11 1:58 am - NJ
Topic: RE: hey tom
Hi Karen!
How are you doing?  What happened to all the people that use to post on this board????

I would really like to get together again, want to see your svelt boday since you are probably back to normal now and doing cartwheels

I emailed Tom and did not get any response maybe he is on vacation, hope all is well with him everyone.

on 7/6/11 12:20 am - magnolia, NJ
Topic: Dr Goldstein in Voorhees???

Has anyone ever used him for a LapBand surgery?  What are your thoughts?  Also, can you please refer for to a doctor in South Jersey or Philadelphia that has a reputable reputation?  Any help you can provide would be wonderful!~



Sheri A.
on 7/4/11 12:09 pm
Topic: July Monthly Support Meets this Saturday, the 9th!
First Saturday Support of Union County
meets for our monthly get together
this Saturday, July 9th
RWJ Fitness & Wellness Center, Conf Room A
2120 Lamberts Mill Rd, Scotch Plains
10:30am - noon
e-mail: [email protected]

This is a peer to peer support group, everyone welcome, all surgeries, pre-op, post-op, support people! come one come all!
on 7/4/11 11:31 am - NJ
Topic: RE: Home, 2nd day from VSG surg this past Tues, June 21st
It get so much better day by day and week by week.  Not that this process is easy, but once you find a certain comfort level and normal daily life balance things become much easier.  I was sleeved on May 9th and will be two months out on July 9th and quite honestly the time has flown by.  I had minimal pain with surgery have lost 30 lbs since then and I feel great.  It is normal to struggle with water/fluid/protein intake the first few weeks out.  I was told that the biggest thing is that at this stage you need to stay hydrated.  My best suggestion and I'm sure you've heard this before is rest, sip, walk, and be good to yourself and you will be just fine. I wish you all the best!! keep in contact let;s track our progress together:)
Maryellen R.
on 7/3/11 10:10 pm - Sayville, NY
Topic: Independence Day
 Independence Day

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Perhaps the above statement is the most famous line from the Declaration of Independence…. and as I ponder the significance of what this means in our country’s history, I also consider “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" as a statement of my independence resulting from weight loss surgery. Simply stated, I declare my INDEPENDECE from the bonds and constrictions created by my obesity. I no longer look to others to tie my shoes, or get a “something" from upstairs or even across the room. I have the LIBERTY to shop for clothes where I want, no longer bound to “plus" size stores. I have a new LIFE, aided by surgery and I have the UNALIEABLE RIGHT and responsibility to develop goals and create dreams that allow me to pursue my own version of HAPPINESS.

I am not saying that I suffered a miserable life before surgery; in fact, I am one of the fortunate few. I had and have a loving husband, two very beautiful daughters, a father that loves me unconditionally and friends I have known most of my life. I held a very responsible position at a local college as an Associate Director of Admissions. I celebrate my five year “surgiversary" soon and during these past 60 months I have developed a new INDEPENENCE of thought and attitude. I have revised the “Essence of Maryellen", and changed my priorities. My parents instilled extremely positive core values which will never change, but I have found new paths to follow in order to compliment those values; all because of my decision to have surgery and unlock the shackles of obesity.

My journey has allowed me to pursue my dream of “paying it forward" by founding LIPO, and with the help of Frank (may God Bless him) be a cofounder of this company, HELP and its numerous supporters. I am dedicated to the success of HELP because that translates into helping others. I wish for others to experience the new LIFE after weight loss surgery, the LIBERTY that comes with renewed health, and the right of the Pursuit of Happiness.

I wish you a healthy, happy, and safe Fourth of July.

(((HUGS))) Maryellen

To visit LIPO (Long Island Post Ops) bariatric support group website click here:

"WLS is a journey, not a destination (don't get comfortable) ... it's a road that we must travel daily to succeed".  Faith Thomas

visit my blog at

Maryellen R.
on 7/3/11 10:02 pm - Sayville, NY
Topic: RE: Are they lost?
 Thanks Alice!


To visit LIPO (Long Island Post Ops) bariatric support group website click here:

"WLS is a journey, not a destination (don't get comfortable) ... it's a road that we must travel daily to succeed".  Faith Thomas

visit my blog at

walter A.
on 7/1/11 12:15 pm - lafayette, NJ
Topic: RE: New group starting in Northern New Jersey.
left out us DS folks, but born and raised in bloomfield, know that park like the back of my hand.  when you plan something in Sussex, let me know.
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