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I need help i dont see thing endding up good. i dont see the superhero i felt like once, that guy that wanted to share with everyone what he had done, so that the next person can feel hero-like too. now his gone with him his super powers.
A week after my revision to bypass surgery I needed to have 4 pints of blood as I was rushed to the hospital. Released and 2 days later rushed back again and needed 1 more pint.
I'm just wondering how the people who have had the IV therapy have handled the process, how long is the actual process and if it has been successful for them.
Yes, I will ask my new doctor all of these question and I have been skimming the Net all day, just wanted some feedback from you guys....
Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...
I feelings echo many here, but I am going to add my 2 ¢.
Many people “insensitive" statements are because they are ignorant. Folks have the misconception that losing weight is as simple as stop eating. They don’t realize we’re addicts. If we were a smoker, gambler, alcoholic, kleptomaniac, sex addict – we would get a “pass" concerning our addiction and the “extreme" measure we would do to stop those vices. However when it comes to food – IMHO the HARDEST addiction because of all the addictions out there WE NEED to have FOOD in order to survive – we’re held to a higher standard.
As for the person who is now questioning you decision … I hate to be blunt … but WHY DO YOU CARE ?!?!??!
No matter how close that person is (loved one or not) that person IS NOT YOU. They don’t LIVE YOUR LIFE. They don’t wake up every day in YOUR SKIN, and go through YOUR TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS!! So who are they to question?
What you could do, is ask the person “if I had a heart condition, and a pacemaker was suggested to help me live longer and healthier, would you question that decision?" And explain to them that You ONLY KNOW YOU, and you know WHAT YOUR WENT THROUGH to get to this point.
Despite what others think, this is not an easy decision. Who would want to willing go “under the knife", and risk death (because there is that slight chance) if they didn’t think the operation would help them. Again, does anyone go to a Doctor and just say “I think I want to have a new kidney put in just because I want it"? No!!! There are reasons why we make these DRASTIC MEDICAL DECISIONS!!
Explain to the person, while you appreciate and understand their concern – and love them for this, this decision is A SELFISH decision because YOU ARE DOING IT FOR YOU and even if the person doesn’t agree – it’s not going to stop you. Of course, you may be doing it for ANOTHER person (child, spouse, family) or reason (health, want to go out more, like to swim in a two piece, be the hot mama/daddy at the end of the bar) but ultimately it’s FOR YOU !!
As for loose skin, there is no guarantee you will or won’t have it. So many factors are involved (your generics, how long you’ve been fat; your skin’s elastic; age; exercise, etc) which can determine if you will or won’t have loose skin. My motto is “you can always hide loose skin – you can’t hide FAT". I rather have loose skin and be healthy, then have tight skin and have health issues. And truthfully, you’re never going to see me in a speedo – nor would you want too.
OK, I see I had too much coffee today (funny, it’s been all decafe – would hate to see if I was on regular). I’ll get off my soapbox.
“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Congratulations. My five year was Sept. 14th. I actually had to get my band repaired because of a leak this Tuesday. I woke up from surgery and the nurse said that I would go up to my room in a while and get something to eat and drink. I freaked out. I felt for my port and couldn't find anything. They brought me to my husband and by then I was hysterical. "Why don't I have my band?" I kept saying. He looked at me like I was crazy. I couldn't feel my port because there was so much air in my belly. The point is I would do anything to keep the wonderful results of weight loss surgery. We are so lucky to live in this day in age that we have this option.
Warm Wishes,
First of all let me tell you something - Your life is going to change in so many positive ways you just are not going to believe it!
Unfortunately my advise to you would have been to tell as few people as possible. But, since you already let the cat out of the bag you just have to listen to the chior.
This week I had to have my band repaired after having it for five years. I can honestly tell you that if I had to have surgery once a month to keep my band I would. This tool is saving my life. It is no one's business why you have chosen to have surgery.
If I were you I tell people that although you appreciate their concern this is your decision and your decision alone.
Warm Wishes,
Donna Maria
When I had my WLS the only people I informed was my immediate family, husband , my 3 children, and my 2 sisters one was happy for me,and the other was not

So to all my WLS people lets keep moving forward in our new life.

It's very common to have these negative comments. You have to educated the uneducated. It's human nature to have an opinion before actual facts are known. If it's from close friends or family members you can sit them down and explain to them to facts about the surgery. Explain how you need their support so you can succeed and have a great outcome from the surgery. You will need all the support. I just had the sleeve revision from the lap band. Im 4years post op from the band and on Nov 9th had the revision. It's a tough recovery. You have to work out eat properly and really devote your all ti the wls. Now the skin part is true. Depending on your body and the amount of weight you have to lose determines your loose skin. I know some people who have very little skin and some who have a lot if excessive skin. That is one thing that you must keep in mind. The number one thing is to never let the negativity get to you. You are doing this to better your health. I'm very happy I went with my choice to have wls. As with any surgery there holds many risks. I wish you the best if luck!
Thanks for the posts so far. I dont feel the need to "defend" my decision to these idiots when they say things - but for some reason it bothers me that people are that inconsiderate--- actually I was a bit mean on Thurs night when someone told me that she doesn't think that I am ""ready to do this and commit to not eating" I told her that I think she should look into it...... It felt good, but I dont like doing that to overweight people because I am obese myself...

“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet