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i need to exercise and have no one to share the experience with.
time and area are flexable.
You think with my 4 year Band-iversary coming up (January 28th) by now I would have a handle on my eating habits, but this past HOLIDAY only went to show that old habits can resurface. As a result, I gained around 20 pounds. This seems to be a “normal" pattern for me between Thanksgiving and New Year Day.
Now I can make a 1,001 excuses why I ate the way I did. I know WHAT I SHOULD HAVE DONE, but I still did what I WANTED to do. I know, you may ask yourself WHY, and the answer is simple, I AM AN ADDICT. Addiction will make us do things we know isn’t right, but we do them anyway. That’s why I empathize with anyone who is dealing with an addiction. While the “masses" may not view obesity as an “true addiction", I think many of us WILL AGREE IT IS.
While this type of behavior seems to me a “normal pattern" for me, what is also a “normal pattern" is come January 1, I get BACK ON TRACK by going BACK TO THE BASICS. For those who don’t know what I do, it’s simple. I pretend that I just had the operation, and I go through all my “eating stages" again, beginning with the liquid stage. I recommend to anyone who is struggling to do this. I truly believe this “resets" the body (and/or mind). I usually tell someone to do each stage for a few DAYS (2 – 3 day each stage). However for me, I need to do each stage for a few WEEKS (2 weeks per stage, like I had to do with the operation).
While I am embarrassed … ok, HUMBLED, to report a 20 pound again, I am pleasured to report that since January 1, I have already lost 10 of those pounds. Can I assure everyone this kind of loss will occur for them, no. But I can promise, for those who are having issues, that doing this will help them lose, and (hopefully) get their mindset back on the ultimate goal – losing weight. YES!!!!
For anyone who is new to the bariatric world, or may be thinking about it, I want you to realize this isn’t an easy process. It takes work EVERYDAY to remain successful. Also, you need to realize during your path to success there will be stumbles and/or falls. What we do after those stumbles/falls is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. We need to get up, dust ourselves off, and remain steadfast down the road of success.
I wish each and every one you a very successful 2012. And please know I am always here for you.
Thank you for listen….errr reading this.
My name is Tom, and I am an addict!!
“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
I just wanted to let people know there is a forum for the community and anyone who is friendly and want to stop by. I was very active 3 years ago and would like to see it become active again. It is listed under "weight loss related"
I am not attempting to offend anyone. I understand that some might not agree with me posting. I am doing it to help LGBT people. Everyone has the right to not agree. I respect that.
Thank You !
If you have trouble finding it just PM me
14 pounds lost before surgery. My first ticker is when I hit onderland: this was my goal when I started on this journey. I want to focus on that right now...once I get there I can reevaluate.
My second ticker is my dream goal. Even if I only visit there for a short time, it would be nice to see that number just once. I am pretty sure I'll need plastics to hit this goal.

I'm less that a week out of the surgery and a little anxious, but as I keep telling myself, the risk of NOT having the surgery outweighed the risks of doing it.
And for the record, I was 465 pounds heading into the sleeve.
I'm currently 430!