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I will definately post this on the VSG board.
You are right... Healthier with extra skin is definately a lot better than unhealthy, fat, and out of shape!
I guess i just don't want to be part of that group of people that goes crazy with their new-found body. I had one friend who went crazy with plastic surgery -- she literally would take vacations in Columbia on a yearly basis to get her procedures done cheaper. I had another friend who went through addiction transfer and found herself depressed. A third friend didn't know how to handle her new confidence and turned into a club-hopping maniac, drinking and hanging out every chance she could get.
I am hoping that these will be lessons learned through other's experiences and that I can learn all the do's and don'ts of WLS. After reading your response I decided to call the doctor's office and make my first consultation appointment. :)
I can't answer your questions about extra skin... I'm 2 decades older... and lost the equivalent of your entire body.... so I HAVE some serious skin droopage, It would seem that your skin will have more elasticity, and your weight loss is not so dramatic, it may be a very minor issue.
Just pick one.... healthier overall with some skin issues, or fatter overall with some health issues... hmmm, not such a hard choice! (OK, I'm prejudiced... WLS was a life saver for me)...
Good Luck, and I hope you get some answers from peeps closer to your age/weight!
Mary C
As a new member, let me introduce myself. I am a 33 yr old technology professional in North NJ. I'm about 5'1" and weigh about 240lbs and have been considering VSG for about a year and a half now. I've been overweight for most of my adult life and have managed to lose up to 50lbs on my own, but always wind up gaining it back and starting the unhealthy cycle again.
I've been considering WLS for so long and have not taken action because I am getting caught up in all the "what if"s of post-surgery. I've done all my research and have spoken with many friends who have also undergone WLS with amazing results. i have chosen a doctor who I feel comfortable with based on the experiences my friends have had. I believe I am a prime candidate for WLS due to many complications I am having due to my weight, but all of the possibilities after surgery are whats holding me back.
Believe it or not, I actually fear being "too skinny" and wonder if I will like the way I look post-surgery. I am concerned that I may have way too much excess skin and will down a path of multiple plastic surgeries just to have a "normal" looking body (I know someone who went crazy with their body image and had multiple plastic surgeries). Yet, on the flip-side, I am concerned for my health and feel that this is the best time for me to undergo WLS now while I am younger before these health conditions really settle in. I want to be healthier and happier and more fit. I love working out and last, but not least, I want to be able to stop shying behind my size (I tend to cocoon myself).
Has anyone else who has undergone surgery had these concerns? How did you over come them? Has anyone else around my size experienced problems with too much skin post-weight-loss?
Just a brief reminder that tomorrow, Friday, February 3rd is the next regularly scheduled Toms River OCWLS (Ocean County Weight Loss) Support Group Meeting – Community Medical Center, Aud A at 7pm.
No registration necessary, just show up!
Ocean County Weight Loss Support Group (OCWLS)
Toms River: Meets First Friday of Each Month 7-9 p.m.
Community Medical Center – Auditorium A
Hospital Drive & Route 37 West, Toms River, NJ
Toms River 2012 Meeting Schedule
1. February 3, 2012
2. March 2, 2012
3. April 6, 2012
4. May 4, 2012
5. June 1, 2012
6. July 13, 2012 (2nd Friday)- Aud B
7. August 3, 2012
8. September 7, 2012
9. October 5, 2012
10. November 2, 2012
11. December 7, 2012 – Holiday Party
The Ocean County Weight Loss Surgery (OCWLS) Support Group is a peer-to-peer group which is open to individuals who have undergone various types of weight loss surgery, or to those who are anticipating or planning this kind of lifestyle change. Supportive family members and friends are also welcome.
Our group members have had their surgeries performed by various WLS surgeons and hospitals, and we are not affiliated with any specific WLS surgeon or hospital.
Pre-Registration is Not Required. If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.
Note: OCWLS Support Group employs a self-help model and does not give medical advice. Any information provided and/or obtained during the meetings is for educational purposes only and is not intended nor recommended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any medical condition or treatment.
Lap RNY 6/16/03
Revise to DS 8/15/11
Can anyone recommend a dentist in NJ with size friendly equipment? I lost a filling over the weekend and my mouth is killing me.