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RWJ Fitness & Wellness, Conference Room A
2120 Lamberts Mill Rd., Scotch Plains
email: [email protected]
Everyone welcome to this 5 1/2 year old peer to peer support group, not affiliated with any hospital or doctor.
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karen in marlboro
I was absolutely scared as well!! But I did fine and I'm sure you'll do fine too

I had my surgery Sept 27th 2011 and I've lost almost 100 pounds, so it definitely works!!! Dr. Williams did a great job!! I can honestly tell you that if you can get thru the pureed food stage, you'll be great!! That was the hardest part for me. But if you have any questions, feel free to hit me up!
Good luck!
Over the years I have collected some common “rules" one should follow in order to be successful. So far I am up to 25+ “universal set of laws" one should heed during their journey.
I would love to see this list grow, so please feel free to add to it. Maybe one day this will be adopted as the Constitution of Gastric Success!! :D
(1) Get your daily Protein requirements in (60 – 80 grams – your Doctor/Nutritionist may have different target amount – so follow their recommendation). Protein requirements change over time (depending upon weight loss stage, amount of exercise, hospitalization, etc). Check with your Doctor/Nutritionist concerning your protein needs.
(2) Protein drinks should be: between 20 and 30 grams of protein per serving (25 is recommended), contain less than 150 calories (110 recommended) contain less than 10 grams of carbohydrates (5 is recommended) (your Doctor/Nutritionist may have different rules – so follow their recommendation).
(3) Remember eat: Protein first, then fiber (ex veggies/fruits) then (if there is room) good (NON-starchy) carbohydrates.
(4) Drink at least 64 ounces of non-carbonated/non-caffeinated liquid.
(5) No drinking while eating and/or 30 minutes before and/or after meals (your Doctor/Nutritionist may have different rules – so follow their recommendation)
(6) You must east to lose weight!! Yes I know this a strange concept but if you don’t, your body will go into “starvation mode" and “store all it can".
(7) Each meal should take at least 25 to 30 minutes to complete. Studies show it takes this long for your stomach to tell your brain it’s full – no matter how much food is in it.
(8) Eat at the same time everyday
(9) Eat until you are full, not stuffed
(10) Wait 30 to 60 seconds between putting another piece food in your mouth
(11) Make sure foods (especially meats) are moist
(12) Before you put that piece in your mouth, ask yourself “Would I give this size to a baby?"
(13) Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew- Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew- Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew- Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew- Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew- Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew (at least 30 times, or until it feels like baby food consistency)
(14) Take your vitamins !!
(15) Remember, during the operation they put the tool around your stomach, and not your brain. So, you will need to do some self control.
(16) Exercise – begin slow (example walk; climbing a flight of stairs; park in the furthest spot in the lot) and then gradually increase. My suggestion do two days; rest a day; do two days; rest a day; do two days
(17) If you feel like “snacking" do something else (ex. Go outside; call a (WLS) friend; come to the board and post, etc)
(18) Participate in a support group!!! It is a fact that those who attend supports groups have increased weight loss long term!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(19) ok .. a little gross and try to figure out what I am saying .. What you think may be a “GAS" may come out as a “Liquid" or “Solid" .. so BE CAREFUL and BE PREPARED !!
(20) Remember to speak to your Doctor/Nutritionist regularly.
(21) Speak to your Psychiatrist/Psychologist at least twice a year, especially when the “honeymoon" stage is over.
(22) Keep your surgeon appointments.
(23) At specified intervals, get your blood-work done. Check with your Doctor.
(24) Shop the perimeter of the supermarkets.
(25) If you can’t pronounce the ingredients – don’t buy it!!
(26) Know I am always here for you :D
“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Remember, this isn’t a race. “Slow and steady wins the race". We are a generation of instantaneous results, however remember we didn’t put all the weight on at once, it took years. So don’t you think losing it would take just as long? This isn't one of those miracle instantaneous weight loss programs. We all know types of programs always fail. This is a way of life
Nowhere does any of the literate state you will lose x amount of weight in x days. Think LONG TERM. If it takes you 2 – 3 -5 years to lose all the weight, WHO CARES!!! How long did it take you to put all those pounds on? Try to remind yourself that even if I lost only 1 pound per week, in year’s time I’d be 52 pounds lighter. Many doctors believe the slower you lose weight, the better chance you have of keeping it off.
Many folks are hung up on the number. It’s not the number of pounds that someone loses in a specified period of time that is important. It’s how you feel. Don’t forget, if you are toning up muscle – your weight loss may seem to have slowed (or stopped), when in fact you are replacing fat with muscle. Muscle is heavier then fat. Someone weighting 200 pounds with a body fat percentage of 25 is carrying around 50 pounds of extra fat. That same person weighting 200 pounds with 10 percent body fat would be carrying 20 pounds of fat. So it’s not the number that is important.
The amount of weight lost is affected by many factors. Everyone loses weight at different rates. It has to do with age, gender, one’s weight, exercise, etc.. A 10 pound lost to one person could be as affected as a 40 pound lost to another. Think of it this way: If a 400-pound person loses 40 pounds; a 300-pound person loses 30 pounds, a 200-pound person loses 20 pounds, and a 100-pound person loses 10 pounds – the 400-pound person didn’t necessarily lose more weight than the others. All three lost 10% of their body weight.
Also there are other “scales" you can use to monitor your success: your constant hunger reduction (eliminated); reduced clothing size; increase energy; re-familiarizing yourself to body-parts unseen for years (errr… toes) ; “common" activity becoming easier (walking, climbing steps), just feeling good about yourself; sleeping better (reduced snoring); the mirror; better medical exam results (lower cholesterol and/or blood pressure); etc.
Remember, weight WILL fluctuate. It depends on the DAY, the TIME OF DAY, and what’s going on “physically". If it’s T.O.M. (no not me) time you can be a “little heavier" because of water.
Now I need to ask, are you taking in your recommend amount of PROTEIN??? Make sure you are getting your 60 to 80 grams of protein (or whatever your Doctor told you). THIS IS IMPORTANT TO WEIGHT LOSS. In the future, you can worry about those other things, but for now - WORRY ABOUT THE PROTEIN. Now don’t get me wrong - I don’t want you to eat a bag of chips, or whole cake or drink tons of ice cream shakes in order to get protein in. You need to use some common sense :) !!
When I first had the operation I had the same concerns as you. A close friend, who is a Certified Fitness Trainer, gave me a valuable lesson concerning losing weight. He gave me some information I found interesting, and thought I’d pass it along. The first thing he said is “You have to EAT in order to lose weight". I know, it sounds strange. He further explained, this does not mean to OVEREAT, but eat sensible portions. That means eat until you feel full (not stuffed).
He explained the body is a marvelous machine, and it will protect itself. If one doesn’t eat enough, the body’s metabolism will slow down - in order to keep it functioning. If a person intake is less then what it expels, the body will start to “store" food. If a person stay on this type of eating regiment over a prolonged period, the body starts to “eat itself" - which is extremely unhealthy and could be fatal.
He said don’t worry if you’re loosing right away. He said as long as we follow the guidelines our Doctors/Nutritionist has set for us, we will loose weight. The body sometimes takes a while before it “resets" itself.
Maybe you need MORE PROTEIN. When I first had the operation I noticed if I ate 4 ounces of protein I didn’t feel full - however if I ate 6 ounces I did. I spoke to my Doctor about it. FOR ME he said that those “numbers" are somewhat guidelines. He went on to explain there are some folks who feel full on 2 ounces of protein while some need 6 or 8. He also explained that the calories intake should not be too much of a concern in the beginning. The way he explained it to me was: Prior the operation I may have been taken 3,000 calories per day. After the operation, with the amount of food I was taking in - I may have been taking in 1700 calories. While that’s 500 calories more then the recommended daily allotment - it was actually 1300 calories less then what I normally took in. So not only was I losing weight, but was also feel full. We need to worry about calories when our weight slows downs/stops or starts going up.
Stop and be proud of your lost. No matter how small it may seem. Remember, it’s better to lose 1/2 pound then to GAIN 1/8 pound.
“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Which operation did you have? If the band, WELCOME TO THE CLUB!!! This, in OUR world, is known as SLIMING (from Ghostbusters).
Sliming is when something gets stuck and the body produces LOTS of thick saliva in the esophagus to try to slide it down. If it doesn't move, the thick saliva comes back up into the mouth.
Techninally it’s called pb = is a "Productive Burp" which means basically spitting up like a baby... what you just ate comes right back up into your mouth, but there is no retching or heaving like when you throw up
Now .. ( A) Before swallowing make sure you chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew-chew (notice it's over 30 times) (B) take at least one minute (60 seconds) between bites (C) if this occurs a lot, even with water, CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!!
Hope this answered you question.
“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Isn't GREAT to be a LOSER ?!??!?!?!
Keep up, or should I say off, the GREAT work!!!
“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet