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Northern NJ would be more convenient for me, but would try to go to any location.

I have never attended one of these get togethers, but am interested in meeting new folks and hearing about their experiences...I will make either of the times work for me. Be Well.
The last time I attempted this was the week of the freak Snow storm (or was it the Hurricane)? Either way many were out of power, so I decided to cancel. How about we try it now the weather is a little nicer ? ;D
I know June could be a crazy month (with schools ending), so I will shoot some time frame dates out there, and let’s see who is game.
Week of June 18th
Week of June 25th
Week of July 9 (so I don’t infringe on the Independence Day planners)
Now in case you have no idea what this is …
REASON: A few of you have mentioned you’d like to get together for a dinner. We can sit around, meet each other, share our trials and tribulations and maybe a few laughs. While we want to help each other lose, maybe we can also help each other gain … a new friend or two (or 5).
EVERYONE is invited to come. It doesn’t matter which operation you had, or even if you haven’t had a procedure yet, or maybe you’re just “thinking" about it !! COME and have a good time !!
If your apprehensive in attending, let me assure you – you will have a good time. There is NO JUDGING !! We are tolerant of each other’s decisions. In addition, if it means anything, the Food Police are banned from our gathering.
Each time we do this, I will try to “move" the location - since no one location will be convenient for everyone.
Remember this is a GROUP effort. Please feel free to add your suggestion and/or voice your opinion on any suggestion. AND NO HARD FEELING – this is meant to be a pleasant experience
For those who haven’t had the operation yet – you too are more the welcome to come. In fact, you are encouraged to come!! This would be a ‘true-life’ learning experience to see “life after the operation". You will be able to hear what our ups-and-downs are, and you are encouraged to ask as many questions as you want. Other “up-comers" have come, and found it interesting and educational.
Significant others and/or kids are also welcomed (however you may want to leave them behind so you can really enjoy yourself – it’s up to you)
Finally, please feel free to tell ANYONE you think may be interested, and since I cannot post on every board, feel free to copy and paste this on the boards you frequent.
Please feel free to post and link this on any other forum you peruse (ex. Lapband, Realize band, RNY, VBG, VSB, etc). The more the merrier !!
Don’t know about you, but I need this :D!!
“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
I know of a few good ones. One is based at Saint Peter's; One is based at Morristown Memorial; Another is out of Saint Clares, and one is at Hunderton.
See if these hospitals are in your plan, and if so I can give you the names. If you call them, and tell them you know me, they will be more than happy to let you know if they have worked with DS'ers. And if not, they will recommend someone who does.
“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet