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on 4/29/13 5:20 am - Aberdeen, NJ
Topic: Could someone tell me where to finda good support group in Monmouth county


Its been years since I have been on. I am 6 years out from RNY. I have had many struggles with my surgery and I am in need of a good support group and gastro doctor who will work with post gastric pt's who have had difficulties and understand their needs.

If anyone can guide me that would be great!!!




on 4/29/13 5:07 am - Aberdeen, NJ
Topic: RE: Patients of Dr. John-Baptiste

Hey Sheri,


We met about 6 or so years ago.. I had read he had some trouble a few years ago and I also had my own issues with him.. But how very very sad it is to hear... 


on 4/25/13 4:23 am
Topic: Checking in to say Hello!

The Board's been quiet....and I haven't been online too much...  Just wanted to say Hi to the old timers in NJ, and , of course, welcome the newbies....   Has anyone tried to plan an IGT?  I know Tom was over-busy a bit back....  I'm just wondering if I missed anything?  :)

   Anyway,  I'm still maintaining my weight loss,  never reached my 'normal weight' goal but keeping the 260 lb loss off , and struggling to reach my protein goals, my vitamin levels, etc...   Sigh...   If only proteins were as easy to eat as carbs...  LOL....  

   If you've read this far, post something, a roll-call, saying where you are in your journey, how is it going, and let's see if we can pick the Jersey board up again!!      Mary  C

DS Part 1 (VSG) 11/14/06 DS Part 2 12/18/07
HW 430 SW 400 CW 210 GW 170 Blog:

on 4/24/13 10:49 am - NJ
Topic: RE: support groups nj


on 4/24/13 10:15 am - NJ
Topic: HI

Doe's anyone know how to get medicaid to approve protein supplement.. And r good and not expensive. Also i was told they will also pay for most of the vitamins. O NE OF THE VITAMINS IS LEAVING ME WITH A TERRIBLE METAL TASTEIN MYMOUTH THINK IT MIGHT B THE IRON ANYONE ELSE HAVING THIS PROBLEM AND WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT IT.  HOPE ALL ON OH HADA BLESSED DAY.

on 4/21/13 1:42 am, edited 4/21/13 1:43 am - newark, NJ

hi my name is Nancy. I am from North jersey and I can't seem to find a doctor that does bariatric surgery for medicaid at all. My doctor's say me doing this surgery will save me from my health problems and give me a much longer life span,. i am freaking out if i don't find one. i have CHF,DIABETES,PCOS,ACID REFUX (FROM ALL THE MEDS IM ON),HIGH CHOLESTEROL, HIGH TRIGLYCERIDES, FACET ARTHROSIS, SI JOINT DEGENERATION, PSEUDOTUMOR CEREBRI, AND A MICRO ADENOMA IN MY PITUITARY GLAND. THEY SAID AT LEAST MOST OF MY HEALTH PROBLEMS WILL DISAPPEAR FROM THE BARIATRIC SURGERY and losing weight. please help me find a doctor!!! i have horizon nj health(hmo, medicaid)

on 4/19/13 6:55 pm - Pitman, NJ
Topic: Upcoming Weight Loss Event: May 18, Philadelphia


12:30pm-1:00pm:  Registration


1:00pm-1:15pm:  Welcome and Introduction

Dr. Marc Neff, SSNJ and Kennedy Health Systems:


1:15pm-2:00pm:   “Life after the Biggest Loser”

Nicole Michalik, Biggest Loser Season Four


2:00pm-2:20pm: Weight Loss Warrior


2:20pm-2:40pm: Speaker


2:40pm-3:00pm: Break


3:00pm-3:20pm: Weight Loss Warrior


3:20pm-3:50pm: “Relationships after Weight Loss”

Louisa Latela, MSW, LCSW


3:50-4:10pm: Weight Loss Warrior


4:10pm-4:30pm: “Top Five Super Food For Weight Loss”

Cheri Leahy, RD, LDN


4:30pm-5:00pm:  Closing:

David Ralic, Owner of Ralic’s on South



14 pounds lost before surgery. My first ticker is when I hit onderland: this was my goal when I started on this journey.  I want to focus on that right now...once I get there I can reevaluate.

My second ticker is my dream goal. Even if I only visit there for a short time, it would be nice to see that number just once.  I am pretty sure I'll need plastics to hit this goal.

on 4/18/13 7:33 am
Topic: RE: Patients of Dr. John-Baptiste

I agree - he was a great surgeon.  His death was the selfish escape and he leaves his kids without a daddy.  I loved him and he will be missed.

Karen in NJ 

Sheri A.
on 4/9/13 10:10 am
Topic: Patients of Dr. John-Baptiste
Thought you may want to know that Dr. John-Baptiste passed away approximately one week ago at the age of 39. May he rest in peace with whatever demons invaded his life. He was a brilliant surgeon but he was unable to sustain his medical license as his career spiraled out of control over the last 3 years. I am privileged that he saved my life and gave me a tool that transformed me into a healthier person!
on 4/9/13 6:57 am
Topic: RE: looking for a Psyciatrist

If you are looking for a pre surgical psychological exam, I'd be glad to help.

Check out our   

Michael L. Sakowitz, Ph.D. is a psychologist (NJ 35SI00148700) and member of ObesityHelp's Mental Health Board.  By posting, he makes no promises, guarantees, representations, or warranties, expressed or implied, and assumes no duty or liability with regard to the information contained herein.  This post is not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition.  No professional services are being rendered and nothing is intended to provide such services or advice of any kind.  No website or informational post can take the place of seeking professional help.  If you need professional help of any kind, please seek the services of a professional or dial 911.
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