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past. Each new day brings the opportunity for you to be
treated right, to feel worthy, and to be successful. Shake
things up today! Be unapologetically you. Shape your own
day. Walk your own walk. This journey is yours, take charge
of it. Stop giving the unchangeable past and other people the
power to shape your life."
- Steve Maraboli

To visit LIPO (Long Island Post Ops) bariatric support group website click here:
"WLS is a journey, not a destination (don't get comfortable) ... it's a road that we must travel daily to succeed". Faith Thomas
visit my blog at
I have told them already about the surgery, so there are no surprises. I have really spelled it out that this surgery has a 2 night stay at the hospital and a 2 week recovery at minimum (that its invasive, im going under, etc).
I think Im just going to tell them that I would be willing to accomodate up to the 18th, but anything less would put my health at risk and thats not something Im willing to do. And yes I totally agree, if they are descent they will wait for me, but they keep saying we have a client waiting to start this project and have already pushed back and can not push back any longer. Oh well, this is more important right now.
Guess we'll see what happens!
Thanks for your feedback!
Honestly there is no magic answer about recovery. Everyone is different, and everyone’s pain tolerance is also diverse. Take me for example, with my band operation I (feel I) could have went to work by the next day. However I know people who had the same operation, and same Doctor, and was laid up for 2+ weeks.
IMHO, I would be honest with the new job. I would say, I would love to take this position, however I need to let you know I am scheduled for an operation two weeks prior to the requested start date. While I believe I should be healed in time to begin, there is always a (slight) chance that I may need another week or two. Again IMHO if they are any type of decent company, they will understand and have no problem with it. If they don’t, and this fact is a “deal killer’, then do you really want to work for a company that puts their needs before their employees? AGAIN AGAIN IMHO, I’ve feel you can always get another job, but you can’t always get another HEALTH.
Of course it’s all up to you, and know no matter what you chose, I will be here for you.
“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
For those on medicaid-how long did it take to get approval to the surgery?
The bad news is that in the meantime I've been interviewing with a company and didnt realize everything would happen so fast... They are a huge company with lots to offer but are pressuring me to start on July 11th - which is literally 12 days after my surgery...
Im concerned that I wont be capable of starting on that date and also there is the part of screwing over my current employer (even though I would be giving them notice in advance!)
Any thoughts on recovery?? What is it like post-op? I know about not being able to lift things but is there any danger in starting this new job (if I stay with my current employer Id be working from home)??
Any thoughts are welcome - I have by tomorrow COB to respond with an answer....

Keep us updated we are routing for you

Welcome to the Loser's Bench in the Winner's Circle!! Glad to know it all went well.
Now go relax, but do your daily exercise
“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet