This is for all the people out there with excess skin and the issues that come along with the rashes, boils, smell, and anything else that you may have in regards to the excess skin. How do you deal with your excess skin issues? Does exercise make it worse, and what do you do to alleviate the pain or discomfort from it.
If you dont want to post on the board please email me privately, I am having some issues and I was just wondering what other people were doing to get a handle on it.
Just to give you a little info on some of the problems that I've been having here is the thick of it......I have a fungal infection in the crack of my a$$ can a sister wear sexy underwear with that.....I have had multiple boils at different times on my inner thighs where they get really big and then pus and pop open when I am exercising from all the friction, and I still occassionally have my vaginal problems with the friction causing burning and itching on my lips from the excess is not a pretty site....also some people may think this is a good thing but it is not.....My **** is always available, it rubs up against my underwear when I am exercising, i just feel it all the times when I dont need too.
Sorry for all the graphic info.....but I dont mind.....its just apart of my journey......I like to tell the whole truth and nothing but the like I said if you dont want to post on the board but you do have some suggestions or comments please please email me.....I wont tell nobody.
Tyshea - Remember only you can make you happy
Hi Tyshea,
First you look awesome!
Second, I'm pre-op but I'll share a secret that I've used for many years to address skin rashes and breakdown issues that I've had under my breasts, in the vag area and underneath my belly. Blistex makes a cream called's supposed to be for poison ivy and contains a large amount of calomine. I don't know what is special about this cream but it's much better than regular calomine lotion. It does a few things that may help you.
First, it doesn't sting too much even on skin that is inflamed...I've cut it with water when I have a real skin rash and the skin is badly broken and even then the sting only lasts for maybe a minute (unlike alcohol-based solutions that HURT! OUCH!). Second, after about a day, the irritated skin completely dries's funny because the whole area will be need a towl or a loofah to get the dried skin off and it looks shiny for a while and then back to normal. Third, it's a very cooling, anti-itch/pain solution (hence its use for PI) which for those really awful areas "down below" is a godsend. This stuff kills the itch better than anything I have ever tried and I've tried EVERYTHING short of Brillo (and don't think I haven't eyed the Brillo pads once or twice in near desperation!)
One thing you should know is that it's thick and can stain your clothes if you're not careful. But, once things are under control you only need "maintenance" applications. It really worked for me...when I first started using Ivarest I'd panic if I so much as left the house without it cuz you never know when the itchies strike...but having used it probably about 7 years now it's only an occasional rash that I break it out for and mostly under the boobs when it's hot and humid and I forget to dab a little on every couple of days.
I'm counting on Ivarest to get me past any skin issues I have. And if they ever stop making it I'm going down to the Blistex offices with an Uzi!
Best of luck!

hi tyshea -- you look wonderful
today when i went to my liver dr we told him about a cut and rash that i've had in the crack of my butt for over a month now -- we have been putting antibacterial cream on it to no avail -- that is when the dr told me it was fungal and to go get something for jock itch and put it on -- he said there was nothing else we could do for it -- just put cream on it -- hopefully it will work!!! the dam itch drives me up a wall!!! and i'm glad i'm not the only one
Ross will have surgery on 5/22/06
Roberta is waiting for approval
Take Care