:-S Need Encouragement
I had surgery on 4/4/06 and still not myself. It seems as if others are bouncing back faster. I keep experiencing dizziness, left side pain where sometimes, my husband has to help me out of the bed. I'm not sleeping, having major issues with getting enough liquid and protein in. A couple of days after I came home, I experienced burning when urinating and a little blood, the doc put me on an antibodic, which I finished today. It looks as if I am down 25-30 pounds, but I don't feel that great. My first appt. will be May 5th with the surgeon, I wi**** was sooner, but that's their policy unless there are problems. Am I ok?
Hi Bea -
I am sure all will work out well. My recommendation would be to call the Dr. and tell them how bad you are feeling. Maybe they can move up your appt. 25-30 lb loss in just a few weeks is great and probably takes some getting used too. Make sure you are walking, the fresh air will do you good. Don't stay cooped up in the house...
I wish you well and my thoughts are with you. Chin up!!!

Hi Bea - congratulations on the begining of your journey! May it only be wonderful and successful! You just had your insides re-routed and are giving your body less fuel to work with - so you are not supposed to feel "yourself" yet!
That left side pain is usually normal - I remember describing is as if I got hit full force in the side by a football helmet driven in by a huge football player! - But please call your Dr. (like I did) and discribe your pain to him to make sure. If you take a look at my and my husband's profile - we learned that most importantly of all - you MUST listen to your body. If something doesn't seem or feel right - call your Dr.
Please try to get in all of your 64 oz (at least of water) I had trouble with water in the begining and drank room temp herbal tea. (My pouch was usually grumpy in the morning and didn't like water.) Make sure you measure all you are drinking to be sure. Try to give yourself a time goal to get so many ounces in - like 20 oz before noontime - or something like that. This no drinking before and after meals, then trying to get in all your fluids and also all your protien does take some planning, but don't worry, before long - it becomes a routine - or a new way of life.
You won't even have to think about it - you just do it!
Congrats on the weight loss too! Your body is still recovering so take it easy OK! Good luck and all the best to you!
Take care,
bea..i feel the same way. i just had surgery on 4/10 and still feel like crap. it does seem to me that almost all profiles i read ppl feel great. no pain meds..out shopping within 4 days. i feel like i'm not going to get over this part. the liquid is so hard to get down and i can't even move from clear liquids yet. everything and i mean everything gives me nausea. i gotta tell ya, i feel like a real baby. i'm the one that you can't keep down when i'm sick. i guess that's why this is so rough to me. but i do believe...i really do...that this is going to get better daily. that i made the right choice. i was killing myself with the weight. i know when this is over and we both feel good again, we're going to look back and say it wasn't so bad. ok, maybe i don't KNOW that, but damn it, i'm hoping
please take good care and call your dr. there may be something you can do.