C.B Here I am...and let me say New Jersey rocks!!!
Hi all. I just got out of Holy Name yesterday. Dr. Goodman was great and the whole staff were awesome. It was a very calm process for me and I was at peace when I went into surgery. I last remember going into the OR and then the next thing I knew I was in recovery. Unfortunately I was allergic to the pain meds so all they could give me was Tylenol. Needless to say, lots of pain. I also came down with a lung infection which caused me to spike a fever. Now that I am on my 5th day I feel sooooooo much better. I am having no problem with the Carnation Instant breakfast and the chef in the hotel has been making me clear chicken broth. The nicest people anywhere live in New Jersey...people smile at you on the street! I love it here and would move here in a heartbeat...what a lovely state. I went shopping prior to the surgery at Target (pronounced Tar-j by my snooty friends) since we don't have one in Canada. I had no trouble spending wayyyyyyy too much money. I could shop my heart out down here. I want to stop at one of the Coach outlets on my way home for sure....I need another fix. I will keep you all updated on my progess.