Very new here-Just thinking about surgery. Could use a friend
My name is Sandy and I am 51. My BHI is 54.5 very high and although my doctor is concerned about my weight blood pressure I am basically in good health but I'm very limited as to what I can do without causing real pain and stress. I manage to keep my apt in order, pets are cared for, I watch my granddaughter daily (1 yr old) I WOULD LIKE to be able to do more with her when she is older and that is one reason I am considering this surgery. I have tried and lost great amounts of weight with diet pills before, but my nerves just can't take the stress any more. I was unable to sleep and had a horrible case of hives last time I tried it. My question is this. I have noticed that many people electing this surgery seem much younger than I? And What will happen to all this left over skin? I am also disabled with PTSD so I only have Medicare (not Medicaid) Has anyone been approved in the area with only Medicare? How long would I not be able to lift my granddaughter after surgery? I hear that hernias are a real problem?
I'm 44. I had my surgery when I was 43 - that's not that much younger than you are now.
Left over skin - well, you can have it removed via plastic surgery. I can't comment on Medicare, so I have no idea what they cover.
My surgeon banned lifting for at least 4-6 weeks. Hernias are a definite issue - moreso, I think, if you have open surgery (I had mine done laparascopically).
Good luck with your journey.
"Life is too short to wear sensible shoes!"
welcome aboard
ask questions and research and then do it some more!! you don't have to keep the first dr you find -- but do find a dr that is a good fit for you -- i'm 42 and started this journey last august with my husband (he'll be 35) -- i did the diet pill route for years!! both legal (phen/fen & redux) and not so legal -- the weight came back and brought lots of friends with it --
you can put things into a different perspective also -- what's going to happen when you no longer have a lap for your grandchild -- i lost my lap a while ago -- will you be able to chase her from the kitchen to the living room in a year or 2??
talk to your primary care dr about your options and insurance -- they should be knowlegable in both -- some insurance require dr supervised diets which could take 3-6 months --
most insurance will remove the extra saggy skin -- it becomes Medically Necessary to remove it due to rashes and skin breakdown so it isn't considered cosmetic surgery
there are a ton of nice people on this board always willing to help another -- they are post-op for a year or more -- they have been thru the plastic surgery -- ask ask ask and they will always answer
read the old post to see if you can find some information there
everyone found this page and surgery for basically the same reason -- they were tired of the weight and the problems that came with it -- it doesn't matter how large you are or how old you are -- weight does not discriminate and the feelings are a common thread it seems
good luck in your journey and just keep educating yourself about all your options

Hi Sandra..I am also older then most on this site..I am 55 and about to have my surgery..April 19 is the date I start my new life...I look forward to it..but I too am worried about the age and what I will not be able to do for 6-8 weeks after surgery..but..there is so much I can't do now it is well worth it..Sorry I can't help with medicare.Find your dr. and their ins dept should be able to help
Any time you need an ear just write
Sorry about the delay in answering, my whole household, including me, have been sick this week. Anyway, I just want to welcome you to the NJ board.
I had my surgery (Gastric Bypass) on May 17, 2005. Dr. Abkin from Florham Park is my surgeon...I can't say enough about him other than HE IS THE GREATEST!!!! I have lost 129 pounds, I have more to lose and I am committed to do so, one day at a time. I feel so blessed to have been given another chance at living instead of just existing.
Please feel free to email me at any time, I can always use another friend.
I live in Flanders, I think that I read that you are from Denville??????
Hope to hear from you soon.
Fran P.
Sandy, I was a few months shy of 50 when I had mine . . . I'm 3 years out and have never regretted it for an instant. Its such a very personal decision, but I know in my heart of hearts that if I didn't do something, if I kept going the way I was, I wouldn't have lived long enough to see retirement. Not to mention that everyday things were a struggle. I did have plastic surgery (self pay/loan). Could I have lived without it? Sure. But I chose to treat myself and complete the task. Much luck with whatever you decide on. And please feel free to ask any question you want! Hugs, Linda
Hi Sandy,
My name is Fran and I was 61 years old when I had RNY Lap., on May 17, 2005. My BMI was extremely high also, even higher than yours. I had 3 previous heart attacks, the last being in 1990. I stopped smoking in 90 and I just packed on more weight. Lost some and then gained more. You know how that goes?
I have many comorbidities and was told that I was a very high risk patient. I was also told that if I didn't do something to get the weight off I would be looking at not living much longer. I did a lot of research on the surgery, and surgeons. I decided to do it, yes there are risks but riding in a car is risky and we continue to do so. I guess that for me the deciding factor was that I knew that death was no stranger to the obese.
I have lost 128 pounds thus far. I need to lose more and have committed to do so, one day at a time. Not only am I losing the weight, but I am living a healthier life style, and I can feel it.
Sandy, this is a very personal decision, that no one but you can make. For me, I have no regrets, only that I wish I had done it sooner. I wish you the best in whatever choice you make. I thank my surgeon, Dr. Alexander Abkin, for giving me the chance to Live, not just exist.
Please feel free to email me at any time. If I can be of any other help please don't hesitate to contact me. Also Sandy, the folks on this board are the greatest, so you have made a great choice to join...We are here for you.
Thank you Fran for your reply. Even though I've not had any heart disease I am still concerned about my age. I never smoked, but I had my kids early. There was a time I was too thin also. I went down to 85 lbs. when I was 16 after my 1st child. After reading everyone's replies and talking to my daughter I've pretty much decided to seek out a Dr. now. Only 1 person has said to not do it and she is really sick with heart disease and that is something I wish to delay as long as possible!
It sounds like you have taken the first big step after educating yourself in reference to WLS (weight loss surgery) ...Which is findind the right Doctor for you.
Please let you daughter that she too can write anytime with any questions or concerns. Glad that she is supportive.
I don't know you well yet, but please know that I am here for you. "Strangers are just friends that we haven't met yet.
Good luck to you, keep us posted.
Fran P (In Jersey)