OMG WOW size 11/12 capris YESS!! OCWLS group
Hello gang!
DOTS on sunday to buy a gift certificate for a BD gift so you know we can not go in a store and not look right?? I pick out 13/14' capris as dots sizes can be a little small. I went into the dressing room and tried them on and they were at least 2 inches to big in the waist!! I almost SCREAMED!!!!! I was doing the smily happy YESSSS!!!! I know people thought I was crazy but who the hell cares!! anyway wanted to share!! I can't make the supoort group this month so I will miss you all toms river group I had to share my wow anyway!! Love to you all!!
Hi Joyce! Girl, that's awesome!!! Much congrats to you!
Going to miss you this month at group...hey, that makes 2 months in a row! Sounds like you're really going to 'wow' us when we finally do see you in May! We'll have a little fashion show...I'm sizing myself right out of Lane Bryant and The Avenue myself (check my profile, I recently updated it with my own shopping venture!)!
How's Bev? Tell her I said hi, and please give her my best.
Take care, and hope to see you soon!
Love & Hugs,