What is a Live Chat?
Hey all you Guys, Girls and NJ peoples:
NOTE: If you are interested in participating in Chats on the obesity help site, you have to have Java or Java Script installed on your computer. If you dont.. it wont work. So if the instructions below dont work, open a web browser, and go to yahoo or google and type in java and javascript, and go to their download site, download it.. install it... and then it WILL work. Most people who internet fairly often already have it installed, either way its not a huge issue to fix : ) -Timmy Ray.
What is a chat? A chat is a method where you first come to this web page/message board... then you click on the CHAT ROOM link. Then you can talk to people in real time, and visit and exchange information in a text based format in a chat room.
See over there on the left... the blue strip on the left side of the page on the main NJ message board? You know.. where it says..
Resources in New Jersey
Chat Room
Chat Schedule
Subscription Preferences etc?
Well.. the words CHAT ROOM are a clickable link, that you can put your mouse cursor on... and click on the words CHAT ROOM.
It will open a new browser window, You will have a new Browser window open and see these words appear in the new window:
ObesityHelp New Jersey Chat Room
Planning on visiting the chatroom at a particular time?
Add yourself to the Chat Scheduler so that your online friends will know!
Hello, Sandi's Timmy! ((Your name will be after hello.. mine is for example))
As a courtesy, we have filled in your profile information for you
(the profile field contains a link to your profile page).
You are free to change this value if you wish.
Your Name:
......(back to the instructions)
So then you enter your name in the box, and then there is a RED box with the word VOLANO or VOLVANO (not sure.. but its red) on the right side of the screen in the new window,
its a link, when you put your mouse button on it, and click it you will be taken to a chat room.
Now.. if you are the first person, you will get a window and screen that is empty... if others are there before you you will see them along the right margin and otherwise its like a regular chat room. Others may join and leave, you will see them appear and disappear as they do so.
This process allows people to talk in real time, and visit, ask questions, and socialize. Its text based, you see what others type and you can type in return, and see your words and theirs appear on screen.
This concludes instruction on what a chat room is.
Had this been an actual ... you would have been instructed where to turn in your community for news and information. This was only a ...
Whew... broadcast TV 4am flashbacks.... :P
Hugs to all
Timmy Ray