Surgery on 3/31, Filter insertion tomorrow!Any advice?
I'm almost there! I am excited I could scream. I need a filter to stop blood clots. I know some people get them in the neck, but mine will be in the groin area. Anyone have that one? How long are you in recovery afterwards?
As for the actual surgery, I will be at Saint Barnabas(as someone suggested in another post, I will avoid the green jello
). Will I actually be able to eat? move? talk? go to the bathroom? read?
Just trying to prepare myself!

Hi Ana Chapman
I have my surgery next Month with DR. Nusbaum. I will be doing my filter insertion on the 25th. I will be having surgery two days after. Dr. Nusbaum made it seem like a piece of cake, no biggy. From his reaction I am assuming the recovery time will be short. I would really really appreciate it if you would fill me in on the details tommorrow when you get back. If you don't mind sharing I would like to hear the routine on how they do things in St Barnabas, the size needle they use for the IV, recovery time, how the filter feels, if you feel it at all. Goodluck tomm. I will be saying a prayer.
I do know this much, the procedure is no more than 45 minutes long. You are in the recovery room for about 45 min. to an hour depending on how fast you wake up and then you return to Same Day Surgery for a blood pressure check and something to eat and drink. Seems like you could be out of there about two hours after the procedure.
I got all this info from the person who called from the hospital to confirm my appointment.
I'll post more info tomorrow.
the procedure was so simple and fast. I arrived at 6:30am, was taken in 15 vmin. later and prepared. Went it for th eprocedure at 8:30am, was out a little after nine and left the hospital at 11:00am.
I didn't even feel completely out if it during the procedure even though I was sedated. I haven't felt any pain, then or now, and I can take the bandages off tomorrow. I spent about 1 1/2 hours just being monitored afterwards, but I was able to get up and talk.
You''ll be fine.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
Two more days!

Hi Ana
Welcome back
So I guess its really a piece of cake like Dr. Nusbaum said. Seems like this experience put your mind at ease, which is great
I don't know if I want to just be sedated
I think I will be more comfortable if they put me out completely
What location did you go for the filter, the Ambulatory Care Center infront the mall? Or the Hospital on Short Hills Rd.? When are you scheduled for your PAT?

Hi Ana : )
Welcome to the NJ Board ! I am not sure if you have posted before, I have (well I use to :P) posted before, but havent met you. I am Timmy Ray, I married a lass (make that beautiful wonderful exceptional gal
) from the Obesity Help singles board in May 2005, I am 15 months out, I had my surgery 12/04 in Iowa, and moved to NJ last year. I am a member of the Ocean County Weight Loss Surgical (also called the Toms River Support group.... I didnt know about the long fangled name till Jack told me) : P
NOTE: We are starting an extended part of the Toms River Group, in Lakewood accross the Street from St. Barnabas in April, a new night and time for bariatric surgery support group. It will meet on Thursdays, one night a month (Please see the post marked NEW OCEAN COUNTY SUPPORT).
I dont know about a blood clot filter, but I do know about the surgery. Are you having it done laproscopically, or full incision. Do you have an ANGEL? Would you like folks to call and offer support, or visit you while your in the hospital? My wife , (my above previously mentioned cool gal btw
) Sandi and I live in Jackson, and if you dont have an ANGEL
(think of an angel as a support person to get info, encouragement, advice, and to help you through the process )
If you dont have an Angel, I would cheerfully volunteer. OR.. if you prefer a lady Angel type person, I would contact one of the ladies in the Toms River group I am in (support group) and have them call you.
Congratulations on your surgery, and please get back to us here on the board with information as it gets closer. PLEASE, ask any questions you may have?
As for eating, you will be on liquids for a while (how long varies depends on your surgeon) then after a time you will transition to pureed foods (think of food in a blender, crushed up). There are LOTS of hints and tips, so it would help to ask (here on the board) specific questions??
I could cover all the things I can think of, but then it would be War and Peace in length (I tend to ramble doncha know : )))
We would love to encourage and help you here on the NJ board! OR.. if you prefer, via telephone, there are folks (myself and the Mrs Timmy Ray, included : ) who would cheerfully talk to you on the phone, and visit you if you would like the day of or day after surgery, depends on what you are comfy with.
BE ENCOURAGED ! its an exciting process, I am excited for you and hope to hear from you more questions.
Talk to you soon!
Mr Timmy Ray (or Sandi's Timmy, as I am proudly known : ))

Hi Timmy,
Thanks for the post. I love this board. It has really helped me through. I use it because, as a parent, it is a great tool since trying to talk on the phone can be crazy.
I am in northern NJ. There's a support group at the Saint Barnabas Center here. I hope to join them soon after the surgery.
I'll keep asking questions and I know someone will respond.

Hi Ana:
I had a filter inserted the day before my surgery - no big deal. Mine was also inserted in the groin. I was chatting with the anesthesiologist the whole time, trying to watch on the monitor. Before I knew it, the whole thing was over. I think I hung out in recovery for about 1/2 hour, chatting with the nurses - I wasn't in the least bit groggy. Then they took me back to the same day surgery section, gave me something to drink, and discharged me. I felt no pain at all.
As for the surgery, I had mine done laproscopically. The day of, and most of the second day after surgery, I was sleepy. My husband stayed with me, but I would drift in and out of sleep. By the third day I was reading, watching tv, etc. You may need help negotiating things in the bathroom - I did. By the time I got home, I was able to go alone.
Best of luck - you will be fine!!