Plastic surgery?
Just wondering if anyone out there more than a year out has had plastic surgery? If so, what doctor did you use? I'm assuming not much of the cost is covered by insurance so I'm wondering what the prices were. Any info would be greatly appreciated. It's so nice to be thinking about this and not how I'm going to get clothes to fit me.

Thanks for writing back Nanette. Not sure I want to go through all the surgeries you did because of cost and time lost from work. Don't think I want to do the LBL because of the time on the OR table. Bottom line: my wrinkles, baggy skin on legs and arms don't bother me but the boobs and stomach are important to me. I would be happy with breast lift and reduction and abdominoplasty. It's possible I might be able to get the breast portion covered by insurance because of incisional pain I have unrelated to the weight loss surgery but complicated by the fact that I no longer have a huge stomach to help support my boobs. We'll see. I'll keep you posted. Wilma