Free DVD programs
Hello all
I have a tape of
Half ton Man
The 627 Pound Woman: Jackies Story
Big as Life: Obesity In America.
Its a VHS good quality tape that I can dub to DVD for anyone wishing to view it... its a Discovery Channel series of three hour programs.
I enjoyed all three for the information, and as a post surgery person who at my heaviest was 800 pounds, the half ton man was especially meaningful to me.
Want one? Well email. If you want to borrow.. NO COST.
If you want one to keep... I encourage a donation.. (none is necessary if you dont wish to) 2 dollars, which pays for the blank DVD basically .
I dubbed and brought five to the February meeting the first friday in Toms River. This is a voluntary, no charge thing... (if you cant afford the two bucks, no sweat just tell me and we will work it out)
Now Ideally... you should come to the Toms River Ocean County support group and pick one up in PERSON (yeah.. yeah thats the ticket !!)
But if you are too far away or cant make it we can work something out.
Just email and tell me
FOR THOSE CONSIDERING Bariatric RNY, or other Bariatric SURGERY... its a good series to view to gain more information.. for those of us that have had surgery, I found it really good information to review and remind me why I have taken the plunge and had the surgery in the first place : )
Hugs to all
Timmy R
Hi Timmy!
I would love a copy of this. I will send you the money gladly. Tell me how to go about it. I don't know your email address. I live in North NJ and Friday nights are really tough. I DO go to a support group meeting up here, though and wholeheartedly stand by the success of it!! Ok, let me know!
Hi Rossana!
Sorry it took a while to get back to you, please email your address to my wifes email? (my email is down right now)
I will gladly mail you a disk.. no funds needed
her email (to send where to mail the disk) is
name email
Sandi Sytsma [email protected]
Hope things are well for you, I will bring a disk or two to the Community Hospital/Toms River meeting (friday, tomorrow on Rt 37 at Toms River Community hospital @ 7pm) otherwise I will just drop one in the mail
Cheers : )
Timmy Ray
Dee Mackie
on 3/1/06 5:06 am - NJ
on 3/1/06 5:06 am - NJ
Hello Timmy!
I would love to obtain a copy as well (for some reason, I keep missing "750 Lb. Man" when it airs). I would be willing to pay a nominal fee for your time and shipping costs.
Hey Dee, Howdy
Sorry it took a while to get back to you, please email your address to my wifes email? (my email is down right now)
I will gladly mail you a disk.. no funds needed.
Note: I DID get your email, but then my email crashed... my apologies : ((
her email (to send where to mail the disk) is
her name is
Sandi Sytsma
and her emai is
[email protected]
Sandi had the surgery also, (march 2004) and late this month will be two years for her.. I am at 15 months this month (mine was December 2004)
Hope things are well for you, I will bring a disk or two to the Community Hospital/Toms River meeting (friday, tomorrow on Rt 37 at Toms River Community hospital @ 7pm) otherwise I will just drop one in the mail
to you
Cheers : )
Timmy Ray