I did not have Dr. Slotman, so I can't help you there, but I was lucky enough to be living with someone who went through the whole process three months before me. It is a very scary time...I was scared right up until I was put under anesthesia. But I don't regret this for a minute. Last year at this time I couldn't tie my shoes without great effort, I couldn't walk into a regular store without the "why is she here" stares, strangers wouldn't acknowledge my existence, I was wearing 2 and 3 X clothing....and all the other horrible crap that comes along with the weight. Today I can walk into any regular store and know full well that something in there will fit, I can go to Great Adventure and fit on ALL of the rides, and most of all the kids can just about wrap their arms completely around me (they are really little
)when they give me hugs.
This is a scary process, but if you follow the rules, it will be worth it in the end. There is always someone here who is-has been-will be going through whatever it is you are going through. It's not the same as a face to face, but it does help.
My surgeon told me not to drive until my one week check up. Because they are cutting into abdominal muscles, they are worried that there may some loss of control with your driving reactions. I live in Forked River and my surgeon is in South Orange...just put it this way...I drove myself up to the one week appt...
Good luck to you...stay on top of your paperwork, your disability paperwork, the insurance company, and the doctor's office. You are your only advocate and you have got to go to work for you.
Take care!

If you are talking about Dr. Gus Slotman I have heard that he very good. I went to the Barix Clinic in Langhorne, Pa. They are very good too, that is all they do. But the nurse at the Barix Clinic had it done by Dr. Slotman because the Barix didn't Take her insurance. She said he was a good doctor..... Good Luck.......Brenda