Were YOU My Secret Pal???
I was just Wondering...
Since the First Part of the Secret Pal Program is OVER!
WHO was My Secret Pal???
Who are YOU???
You were Very Sweet and Thoughtful to ME...
I would just like to know who you are...
I'd like to Give Credit where Credit is DUE!
Maybe we Can Chit-Chat!
Something Brought us together!!!

Sorry for the Confusion...
We had a Secret Pal Program on the PA. Boards...
It ended without much Notice
I really Enjoyed being a Part of it,
And wanted to let My Former Secret Pal know how Much they Made Many of My Days!
I knew that they were from New Jersey...
So I posted on the Main Message Board, The New Jersey Message Board as well as the Pennsylvania Message Board!
I DID Find out who she was!
I am now Part of the Main Secret Buddy Program and I am Looking forward to My NEW Secret Buddy, as well as the NEW Secret Buddy Forum!
I just wanted to Find My Former One, to acknowledge her thoughtfulness!
It worked...I Foung Her!!!
Again, Sorry if I caused any Confusion.

Hello Michele~
I am Michelle from NJ. I would like to know if this secret pal thing is still going or how to start it back up. It sounds fun! I see you are having surgery very soon too, mine is Thursday, I could use something to take my mind off of things right now
If you have some time, can you send me some info on joining in/starting this up again? Thanks!
Michelle Brennan