Unexpected result...
It has been a while since I posted. I had surgery on 1/3/06. I started my quest for wls in 9/05. My bypass surgery was scheduled for 11/4/05. However, my gastroenterologist (sp?) wanted to be on the safe side and ordered a CAT scan as a follow up to the endoscopy (that we all need for surgery clearance). The Cat scan showed a tumor on my left kidney. I saw 3 dr.'s about that and eventually ended up at NY Presbyterian Hospital in NYC on 1/3/06 for a total removal of the kidney. After I found out it was Renal Cell Cancer. The doctors say they got it all! Had I not found it when I did, in my dr.'s word, "It would have killed me in a very short time." So at 40 years old with 3 children under 6, I feel very blessed that I found the cancer when I did. It is all because I wanted to be healthy and loose the weight through bypass surgery. What a blessing.
I am trying to loose weight on my own now, becasue I am not too big on going through another surgery right away. I still have not ruled out Bypass surgery.
Thank you to all the great people I have "chatted with" on this NJ board.
You never know where life will take you!
Jen V.