9 days later and still in pain
I had my lap RNY on Jan. 5. I am still in a lot of pain. I had severe pain around my whole stomach. Now, it is on the left side where the camera went in. It still hurts to blow my nose.
Any clue as to when this pain should go away? What were your experiences with pain and when did it go away for you?
Hi Sandra - so sorry you are hurting!
It does get better though - each day should a little at a time.
If you are unsure, and really hurt - CALL YOUR DR. I am sure all is OK, but for your piece of mind - that is what your Dr is there for - to listen to your concerns, and determin if all is as it should be at this point.
I went back to work after 2 weeks - desk job - but still stupid - I wouldn't do that again! I remember week 3 did get a little better, but I think week 4 really felt like a football player in uniform - with a huge helmet - rammed into my left side!! I called the Dr.'s office to report this, and was told it was normal healing. ( The Dr. called me back - not the nurse or office staff)
I thought it was the big stapler that went in on the left side - muscle.
But either way - you just had your insides re-routed and cut and stapled - they are probably still not very happy with you, and are letting you know it!
Try a heating pad - I remember this really helped me. Take a peak at my profile - I think I remember writing about pain in it.
Hang in there - and remember - if in doubt - listen to your body and don't be afraid to call your DR.
Good luck, and all the best,
Hi Sandra, Sherri and Linda:
Sandra... you did have a laparoscopy, right? You did mention camera.... but I just wanted to make sure...
Sherri and Linda... what pain medicine did you folks take and how soon were you able to drive?

Hi Neil,
I was on the morphine pump in the hospital for a short while - I have an allergic reaction to morphine, that has gotten worse each time I have used it ( 2 C-Sections and a hysterectomy prior) I get very very itchy! I mean very itchy - drives me crazy! This time was worse than before, so they put me on darvocet. My journal says my last one was 6 days after surgery. I think I went to extra strength tylenol after that. My Dr. said as soon as you are off pain meds - it is OK to drive. I went back to work after 2 weeks, and drove then - but check with your's they are all different.
Take care,
I remember standing in the shower, feeling like I was being stabbed in my side.. my doctor told me I had an unusual amount of pain. I went back to work at three weeks.
Call you surgeon any time you are unsure - even a regular doctor may not understand the unique potential complications of our surgery.
The pain you discribe sounds normal to me.. My left side was were I felt it most but more like a muscle pain than a stabbing pain as I recall..
truthfully I don't recall much pain.. even while in the hospital...mostly muscular. Doc told me they have to cut thru a muscle to get to the stomach.
Medications I took none but a couple of tylenol after the pump was taken off..
Best to call your doc if it persists.
Hope you are feeling better soon
UPDATE: The pain was getting worse. I went to see another doctor within the practice (Monday). It turned out to be an infection. He had to cut open the wound and clean it out. I feel so much better. But, now my husband has to pack my wound each day. I am now worried about more infections. I have complained about severe pain since the day of surgery. I really feel I had an infection since the beginning.
Thank you all for replying.