over the river and through the woods...
Hey all!!
I haven't posted for a while..sorry. Life has been so tricky!
The night before New Years Eve, my husband, who is scheduled for lap RNY on the 20th of this month, took a nasty fall down the stairs at a local restaurant that we frequent.
He dislocated his shoulder, twisted his knee, sprained his ankle, bruised his rib and got a nasty rug burn on his arm, which has left a huge hole burnt in his skin.
Yuck..a bit graphic, I know.
We spent HOURS in the ER that night. A lot of sick children, actually. I wondered why all those moms waited till the middle of the night to take their kids in, who had been, for the most part, sick for several days.. anyway..
He is coming along pretty well. Lots of percocets later..
The problem now is that they may postpone his surgery again. Last time it was because our surgeon now works as a team with the other surgeon in the office, so they work together now. That's a good thing, and we didn't mind the week postponement. Now we have to get clearance from the orthopedic doctor. The surgery is an uphill battle. Seems it's always a lot of work to get there. A lesson learned.. anything worth doing is worth going through some "crap" for!
So, New years Eve, I went over to my sister's house to celebrate.
Luckily she is only about 8 blocks from me. I went and got food for my honey, and then spent the night going back and forth. My kids were at her house, my honey was home, aching. UGH!! Anyway, I got home with the kids at about 1:00. When I put my little one, Alyssa (5 years old) to sleep, I (luckily) fell asleep next to her. Bobby was sleeping on the recliner, since his shoulder made it impossible to sleep in bed.
At about 3:00, she started to throw up.
Can you hear me screaming???
Well, it was only in my head! I couldn't be upset with her, she was so sad and yucky. So, THREE times, changed the sheets and the PJs. Praise God I was there, since she was basically still asleep and could have choked to death. (I know, I am dramatic..you think I am Italian??)
So, that was 2 nights in a row without sleep
and Sunday (New Years Day) I had to work all day from 7:30am. We church musicians work all the major Holidays!
Well, ok, we all made it through, but I feel like we have been on a journey...hence, the title, over the river and throught he woods!! I thought "over the staircase and through the puke" might frighten readers away!!
Everyone in my house said..it's a hell of a way to welcome a NEW YEAR, but I think it was all in time to be considered LEFT BEHIND crap from the OLD year!! So, onward we go. Anyway, I didn't get to wish everyone a HAPPY and BLESSED NEW YEAR. I hope that all of your hopes and dreams are realized this year.
Be Well!!

Hi Rossana - thanks for the upbeat - update! You seem like the kind of person who makes lemonade out to the lemons you are delt - I think everything that happened is either old stuff from last year - or maybe you just got this years problems out of the way right off the bat!
Hope your little girl is feeling better - and that your husband recovers quickly and gets the clearance for his upcoming surgery!
Good luck to him and much (continued) success to both of you!
All the best,
Sherri ( and Phil )