Made the first phone call....
Hi...Let me introduce myself...My name is Patty and I have been battling lbs for years...I am fed up and hate the idea of going to yet another weigh****cher meeting...I know I can lose on it but I have never gotten down to my goal weight...
Anyways...I have decided that I have had enough . I have been to 2 meetings for the gastric bypass surgery...One with Dr. Cappella and one with Dr. Kollar. I have picked Dr. Kollar because he does the laparoscopy surgery.
I have to ask you all this...I am a mommy with a little one at home whom I love and adore..... I have read that 1 in 50 die from this surgery. That figure scares the fat off of me! (I wish anyways!!!) I know of 2 deaths from the was a person I knew from high school..she died of an electrolight imbalance about 5 weeks after the surgery...
How did any of you get past the idea of death when making your surgery decision?
I don't have any medical problems except MS which would make me a higher risk for surgery...
I will not be albe to go to my primary doctor for advise because he himself would not advise the surgery since his patient was the one who died from the electrolight..he didn't advise her to have the surgery....
I don't know where to turn....or who to talk to but I have to do this I think...I have to lose weight before I have a problem...
Well Patty, the thought of death never really occurred to me.. I knew it was possible but not something I dwelled on.. I have to tell you to find a primary who will advise the surgery.. because my experience was that I needed a letter from that doc for insurance unless insurance is not a concern for you. Not sure about that patient you speak of but everyone has a different experience. You must have doc's that follow you and you must take responsibility for the outcome of what happens after the procedure.. you are the one living this life afterwards and must know what and what not to do and how to take care of you.. are you ready for all that.. Education can not be stressed enough... only you can help you.
Research the docs you pick. I know of Cappella he is famous.. he has been on Oprah I don't know of Kollar. I used dr Garrison in Denville and am very pleased, selecting a doc is a gut feeling you get when you meet them. Even there office staff will give you vibes as to if you are in good hands. You will be a challenging case make sure the doc you sellect is up to it... Again Education is key..
Best wishes for a safe and happy journey.
I too have little ones at home. 3 of them. Death was my number one fear from day one. I started thinking about who am I going to leave the children too when I die, I was convinced that I was going to die during surgery. 1 in 50 dying, I don't know about that. That's an awfully low percentage, if that is what your doctor is telling you, I'd research a bit more. The office that I used does nothing but bariatric surgery. I felt comfortable with my doctor the first moment I met him.
Honestly, my fear of dying didn't go away until I was on my way the operating room. Maybe it's crazy to say, but the instant my doctor came over to talk to me before he wheeled me into the OR, I had an instant feeling of calmness. I knew at that moment that everything was going to be okay. And it was. Death is just a natural fear and you're not weird for fearing it. We all have our own and different issues. Yes some do die from the surgery, BUT they are either REALLY obese and have tons of medical conditions BEFORE surgery, OR they just don't follow the doctor's orders to drink the fluids and take care of themselves. Any little thing that comes up I'm on the phone calling my doctor. He's always nice about my concerns and puts me a ease and tells me what to do different if I'm having a problem with something.
You are going to have to find a different primary doctor if the one you have now won't clear you for the surgery. You need a letter of medical clearence from your primary doctor BEFORE the surgery. So, take some time, find a new doctor who will understand your needs and take it from there.
You should also consider going to free seminars for the surgery. My doctors office has them every month and I can let you know when and where if you like. This way, if you go to a seminar you can talk to others who have had the surgery and you may even find someone there who also has MS and had the surgery. Take your time in researching, and you will feel more and more confident about the decision of surgery. I knew from day one that this surgery was for me! I didn't, and still don't regret having the surgery. Yes, even though I was sure the surgery was the right thing for me, I was still afraid of dying. It's a normal feeling. Feel free to email me if you need someone to talk to. See if any of your close friends or family members will go with you to a seminar, it'll make it easier.

Hi Patty,
Like the other posters have said - do your research and be comfortable with your WLS Dr. Find out his "track" record, and go to his seminars. Ask any question you like - they should not feel uncomfortable answering you. Ask the Dr if any of his patients have died - and what was it attributed to? Some MObese patients are not very healthy going into surgery, and are poor risks - but the surgery is necessary to save their lives. Many complications associated with WLS is - surgery itself - anyone runs risks during an operation - appendix, gall bladder etc.
The difference in WLS is that you must have an experience Dr. who is dedicated to his patients and his work. One who knows what they are doing. Then, you have to follow ALL of the rules, and grasp your new life and new way of living as a GIFT that you never will let go of. That means eating right, drinking all of your fluids, and taking your vitamins - for the rest of your life.
I too struggled with this decision, and wasn't sure about RNY or LAP Band.
Read my profile when you have a chance to see how I came to my personal decision. I have been blessed with no complications, and my husband unfortunatly did have a serious one - that, if I did not push and push the Drs while we were on vacation, and did not contact our WLS Dr. immediately - could have ended badly. He is more than fine now, and when asked a few days after his 2nd surgery - would he have WLS again? - said YES - before they even finished asking the question. He is at goal, and will be having PS on March 1st
Hope this helps -
Wishing you all the best!
Hello everyone and thank you for your answers.....
Unfortunately I went to my neurologist as I have MS. He was totally against the surgery for me as it would speed up the rate of my MS crippling me soon. (I spent 10 months paralyzed from my chest down with it....learned to walk again very slowly but have been fine (knock on wood) every since) I ahve to say I am disappointed but would like to continue using my legs. He has given me meridia and I have started Jenny Craig. I have lost 8.2 the first week and am waiting for week 2's results which should be about another 5 or so.
I was so set up mentally for the gastric bypass even with the death factor for me......but not the living in a wheelchair factor...I know this board is for those with medical intervention in their weight loss so I will say good bye to all of you......Thank you so very much for all of your posts....YOur journeys are amazing and powerful.....
Feel free to e-mail me at minnievanmommie @ a o l . c o m
obviously no spaces.....
Good luck to all of you...and best of health!@!!!!!