Christmas Party Review
First of all , Thank You! to all who came to the Toms River Christmas Party and brought tons ( like I said in another post maybe a bad choice of ) of food! Special thanks to Jen who was a really cute Santa and brought lots of goodies and music! ( That was for you Timmy Ray!
) Thanks to Nannette who always comes through and Thanks to everyone who helped, it was a great party. Good luck to Sherry who starts another journey on Monday and we did miss those who could not attend. Tim, hang in there and I hope you make your goal, but either way you're doing wonderful and it was so nice to see Sandy again. Healthy and Happy Holidays to All. Were off to Georgia , Jack and Marge

Revision on 05/01/14
Sounds like a great time. I'm sorry I missed it, but I ended up babysitting my niece. She's a cutie though so it was okay. One of these days I'll make it to a meeting. I really want to meet all of you who attend the TR group. You seem like a really fun bunch of people. Oh well, there's always next month.